Deception Flashcards
Obtain - def
Section 217, Crimes Act 1961
Obtain, in relation to any person, means obtain or retain for himself or herself or for any other person
Property - def
Section 2, Crimes Act 1961
Property includes real and personal property, and any estate or interest in any real or personal property, money, electricity, and any debt, and any thing in action, and any other right or interest.
Valuable consideration
A pecuniary advantage can amount to a favourable consideration when it involves a monetary advantage; however, the scope of a valuable consideration is wider than a pecuniary advantage.
For example:
• monetary payment in return for goods or services
• goods given in return for services provided
• issuing a false invoice to receive payment for goods never supplied.
Dishonestly - def
Section 217, Crimes Act 1961
Dishonestly, in relation to an act or omission, means done or omitted without a belief that there was expressed or implied consent to, or authority for, the act or omission from a person entitled to give such consent or authority.
Claim of Right
Section 2, Crimes Act 1961
claim of right, in relation to any act, means a belief at the time of the act in a proprietary or possessory right in property in relation to which the offence is alleged to have been committed, although that belief may be based on ignorance or mistake of fact or of any matter of law other than the enactment against which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
Taking (theft) - def
Section 219(4), Crimes Act 1961
For tangible property, theft is committed by a taking when the offender moves the property or causes it to be moved.
Document - def
Section 217 of the Crimes Act 1961.
Document means a document, or part of a document, in any form; and includes, without limitation,—
(a) any paper or other material used for writing or printing that is marked with matter capable of being read; or
(b) any photograph, or any photographic negative, plate, slide, film, or microfilm, or any photostatic negative; or
(c) any disc, tape, wire, sound track, card, or other material or device in or on which information, sounds, or other data are recorded, stored (whether temporarily or permanently), or embodied so as to be capable, with or without the aid of some other equipment, of being reproduced; or
(d) any material by means of which information is supplied, whether directly or by means of any equipment, to any device used for recording or storing or processing information; or
(e) any material derived, whether directly or by means of any equipment, from information recorded or stored or processed by any device used for recording or storing or processing information
Deception - def
Section 240(2)
In this section, deception means-
(a) a false representation, whether oral, documentary, or by conduct, where the person making the representation intends to deceive any other person and -
(i) knows that it is false in a material particular; or
(ii) is reckless as to whether it is false in a material particular; or
(b) an omission to disclose a material particular, with intent to deceive any person, in circumstances where there is a duty to disclose it; or
(c) a fraudulent device, trick, or stratagem used with intent to deceive any person.
Deception - required to prove
• that there was an intent to deceive
• that there was a representation by the defendant
• that the representation was false; and that the defendant either:
knew it to be false in a material particular OR
was reckless whether it was false in a material particular.
Knowledge - established by…
- an admission
- implication from the circumstances surrounding the event
- propensity evidence
Subjective/Objective test
It must be proved not only that the defendant was aware of the risk and proceeded regardless (a subjective test), but also that it was unreasonable for him to do so (an objective test).
• A subjective test is the internal reasons a person acts as he or she does.
• An objective test is the test of a reasonable person.
A ‘plan, scheme or trick’.
An action or scheme undertaken to fool, outwit, or deceive.
A cunning plan or scheme especially for deceiving an enemy, or trickery.
Constructive possession
Constructive possession arises when something is not in a person’s physical custody, but they have ready access to it or can exercise control over it.
To “control” something means to exercise authoritative or dominating influence or command over it.
Pecuniary advantage
This basically means ‘economic or monetary advantage’
• Cash from stolen goods.
• Clothing or cash obtained by a credit or EFTPOS card.
• A discount (by using a student ID card).
• Avoiding or deferring payment of a debt.
means money owing from one person to another
Means a legally enforceable financial obligation to pay, such as the cost of a meal.
Obtaining Credit by Deception
- what must be proved
Thus, under s240(1)(b) you must prove the identity of the suspect and that they:
• by deception and without claim of right
• in incurring any debt or liability
• obtained credit.
Examples of situations where ‘credit’ may be obtained include:
- obtaining money on loan
- extending existing overdraft facilities
- renting or leasing a dwelling.
Induce - def
“To persuade, bring about or give rise to”
- Concise Oxford Dictionary
Proof of the inducement
In practice the victim of the deception is usually questioned to elicit answers proving:
• that the false representation was believed, and
• that it was the consequence of that belief that the victim parted with his or her money.
to deliver over
is to surrender up someone or something
to execute
is to put a course of action into effect
to endorse
is to write or sign on a document
to alter
is to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way
to accept
is to receive something
Causing loss by deception
- what must be proved
- must prove that the loss was caused by a deception
- must prove that it was reasonably foreseeable some more than trivial loss would occur, but
- need not prove the loss was intentionally caused.
Punishment of obtaining by deception or causing loss by deception
Sec 241
a- exceeds $1000 = 7 years
b- $500-$1000 = 1 year
c- not exceed $500 = 3 months
Voidable title
A title obtained by deception, fraud, duress or misrepresentation is called a ‘voidable title’. This means that the title can be avoided by the seller.
Thus, if an innocent purchaser buys goods obtained by deception, before title has been avoided, then he or she is entitled to good title.
Until the title is avoided, the defrauder has a voidable title, and can confer good title on anyone who acquires the goods from him or her in good faith and for value.
To avoid the title
- must…
- communicate with B
- take all other possible steps to bring it to B’s notice, eg by writing a letter
- advise the police that the vehicle was obtained by deception
Examples of Forgery
- writing an examination paper in the name of another person who is required to sit the exam
- pre-dating a deed to give it priority over another
- forging letters of recommendation for inclusion in a CV that are necessary to obtain a position
- falsely completing a statement of service on a witness summons.
To prove that the document is a forgery, you must prove that::
- the document was false
- the ‘user’ knew that the document had been ‘made’ with the knowledge and intent required under section 256 of the Crimes Act 1961.