deception Flashcards
In relation to the term ‘Dishonestly’ what may be a successful argument in relation to the offender having a mistaken belief
That the belief my be either
That the act or omission was, expressly or impliedly, CONSENTED to by a person entitled to give CONSENT or
That the act or omission was AUTHORISED by a person entitled to AUTHORISE it.
Claim of right
in relation to any act means, a belief at the time of the act in a proprietary or possessory right in the property in relation to which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
When recklessness is an element in a offence what two things must be proved in regards to the subjective and objective tests
That the defendant consciously and deliberately ran a risk (subjective) and
That the risk was one that was unreasonable to take in the circumstances as they were known to the defendant. (Objective)
What are the 4 beliefs that must be held in relation to Claim of right?
- the belief must be in relation to an element of ownership of the property
- the belief must be about rights to the property in relation to which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
- the belief must be held at the time of the conduct alleged to establish the offence
- the belief must be actually held by the defendant.
theft is committed by a taking when the offender moves the property or causes it to be moved.
R v HAYES - dishonest
The question is whether the belief is actually held, not whether that belief is reasonable
obtain in relation to any person, means to obtain or retain for himself or anther person.
property is?
includes real and personal property, any estate or interest in any real or personal property, money, electricity and any debt
What is section 228(a)
Takes or obtains a Document
what is section 228(b)
Uses/attempts to use a document
Essentially a document is a thing which provides evidence or information or serves as a record.
What is Section 240(1)(a) and the elements
Obtains by deception or causes loss by deception
By any deception
Without claim of right
obtains/possession/control overAny Property/privilege/service/pecuniary advantage etc.
Device, trick, stratagem defined?
Device: a plan, scheme or trick
Trick: an action or scheme undertaken to fool, outwit or deceive
Stratagem: a cunning plan or scheme especially for deceiving an enemy, or trickery.
When has the offending’ obtained’ property committed, when an item has been posted
a) on the making of the agreement to send the cheque
b) on posting the cheque
c) when the offender receives it in the post
b) On the posting of a cheque.
How should it be proved that a person was induced in regards to deception?
Direct evidence from the person alleged to have been defrauded.
Loss, what is required to be proved?
the prosecution must prove that…
- loss was caused by a deception
- reasonably foreseeable that some more than trivial loss would occur, but
- dont need to prove the loss was intentionally caused.
Definition of Property
Includes real and personal property, estate, any interest in any real or personal property, electricity, money, any debt, anything in action or any other right or interest.
what need to be proven for forgery?
The suspect made a false document with an intent to use it to obtain property.
what is the difference between theft and obtains by deception?
lies with the concept of possession and title ownership.
If gained by deception the owner has given them ownership of the thing freely ( although under deception)
If something has been stolen, it has been taken without permissions. The thief has possession but not title or ownership.
R v CAMERON (recklessness)
Recklessness is established if:
a) the defendant recognised that there was a real possibility that:
his or her actions would bring about the proscribed result and/or that the proscribed circumstances existed, and
b) having regard to that risk those actions were unreasonable.
An intention to deceive requires that the deception is practised in order to deceive the affected party. Purposeful intent is necessary and must exist at the time of the deception.
what are the ways false representation can be conducted
Oraly - ie. verbally claiming to own goods that are in fact subject to hire purchase
by Conduct - ie representing oneself to be a collector for charity
Documentary - ie presenting a false certificate/qualification of handing over a valueless cheque
or by any of the above combined
Definition of Access?
all interactions with a computer, such as using a computer at work or remote forms of access such as viewing a website or using a virus.
Requires that the person instructing or communicating with the computer system has some form of connection with the system through which instructions or comms may pass.
A person is not required to be physically present in order to access a computer system.
Dishonestly definition
in relation to an act or omission, means done or omitted without a belief that there was expressed or implied consent or authority for, from a person entitled to give such consent or authority.
Document definition
a document , or part of a document, in any form and includes
a) paper or material for writing/printing or capable of being read.
b) a photograph or negative
c) any disc/tape/wire/track/card or any device in which information/data/sound is recorded/stored.
d) an material of which information is supplied, by any means of equipment, or device used for recording or storing.
e) any material derived, directly or by means of equipment form information
R v HAYES Uses/attempts
An unsuccessful use of a document is much use a a successful one