December Flashcards
Ludwig Van Beethoven
December 1st 1955
Escrow Instructions
Canalize: Convert or convey something through a channel.
Ludwig van Beethoven: “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.”
December 1st 1955: Bus Boycott set off by Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat in the colored section.
Escrow Instructions: Describe Escrows role as middle man and responsibility during the transaction to the borrower. Escrow gets original, Lender gets a copy.
Frida Kahlo
December 2nd 1970
Escrow Amendment
Frabjous: Delightful, joyous.
Frida Kahlo: “Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?”
December 2nd 1970: Nixon proposed EPA to protect human health with safeguarding the natural environment.
Escrow Amendment: Any changes made to the original escrow instructions, say if loan amount or purchase price changed. Escrow original, Lender copy.
Sharon Salzberg
December 3rd 1967
Closing Statement
Unbosom: Disclose thoughts or secrets.
Sharon Salzberg: “The difference between misery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention.”
December 3rd 1967: The First human heart transplant performed in Cape Town, South Africa.
Closing Statement: Document made by Escrow that brings together all of escrow, title and the lender’s fees into one doc for borrower to see and approve. Escrow original, Lender copy.
Maya Angelou
December 4th 1945
Insurance Info Sheet
Illation: The action of inferring or drawing a conclusion.
Maya Angelou: “If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.”
December 4th 1945: US Senate approves US participation in newly formed UN, made that year.
Insurance Info Sheet: Borrow lets escrow know what insurance company they use, policy #, and agent’s name and #.
Gloria Steinem
December 5th 1933
Disbursement of Proceeds
Envoi: A short stanza concluding a ballade, authors words or short piece of music.
Gloria Steinem: “The art of life is not controlling what happens to us, but using what happens to us.”
December 5th 1933: 18th Amendment repealed, ending Prohibition.
Disbursement of Proceeds: If borrower is due a refund at closing this will inform Escrow on how they would like to receive it.
Helen Keller
December 6th 1790
Borrower Information Sheet
Variegate: Alter in appearance, make more diverse.
Helen Keller: “A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships.”
December 6th 1790: The US moves its Capital from New York to Philadelphia where it stays until 1800 when D.C. is finished.
Borrower Information Sheet: Gives Escrow all info needed to open escrow. Current payoff, whom it is owed to, how much, any private liens, HOA & insurance info.
Gloria Anzaldua
December 7th 1941
Payoff Demand
Suss: Realize/grasp or discover the true nature of.
Gloria Anzaldua: “I change myself, I change the world.”
December 7th 1941: “A date that would live in infamy.” - FRD. Japan launched surprise dawn attack, killing 2300 U.S. Servicemen at Pearl Harbor.
Payoff Demand: What Borrower owes current lender, ordered by Escrow. Escrow original, Lender copy, Title Copy.
December 8th 2009
Statement of Information
December 8th 2009: United States Obama Administration pays 3.4 Billion to settle class action from Native-Americans seeking reparations for royalties on oil and resources they were cheated out of.
Statement of Information: Application for Title Insurance. Title gets original, Escrow copy.