Decay and Half Lives Flashcards
What is a half-life?
The amount of time it takes for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay!
How to calculate # of Half-Lives?
of Half-Lives = Total Years dived by HL of Substance!
What is an Isotope?
Isotopes are versions of an element with the same atomic number (p+) but different # of (n)
What is Standard Atomic Notation?
mass number = 238
atomic # (# of protons) = 92 U = Symbol
What is an Alpha Particle?
Radiation created when an unstable atom decays and releases a helium nucleus is called an Alpha Particle!
What is a Beta Particle?
Radiation created when a neutron in an unstable atom decays and releases an electron is called a Beta Particle!
What is a Parent Isotope?
Original, Unstable isotope in a radioactive decay chain is called the Parent Isotope!
What is a Daughter Isotope?
Isotope formed after the radioactive decay of a parent isotope is called the daughter isotope!
What is Fission?
Decay of a large unstable nucleus into smaller nuclei, subatomic particles, and Energy!
What is Fusion?
The joining together of lighter nuclei making a more massive nucleus and Energy!
What is Gamma Radiation?
Radiation created when an unstable atom releases radiation (excess energy) as high-energy Waves!
Summary of Fission?
1) Heavy, Unstable Nuclei Break Apart
2) Some of the mass is converted into energy
3) Radioactive daughter isotopes (products)
4) Currently used to generate electricity around the world
5) 1 Unstable element -) 2 Smaller elements + (n) + energy
Summary of Fusion?
1) Light Nuclei join together
2) Some of the mass is converted into energy
3) Stable (non-radioactive) products
4) Not currently used to generate electricity
5) 2 Smaller elements -) 1 Unstable element -) (n) + energy
What is the Formula for Radioactive Decay and what does each part symbolize?
A(t) = A0 (1 divided by 2)^(t divided by T)
A(t) = Amount of the substance present after t
A0 = Amount initially present
t = Time period over which the substance is studied
T = Half-Life of the substance
How does Fusion and Fission generate energy?
They generate energy by converting some of their mass into energy! They also free energy because the mass of the remaining nucleus is smaller than the mass of the reacting nuclei
How do chain reactions play a role in nuclear power generation?
A chain reaction refers to a process in which neutrons released in fission produce an additional fission in at least one further nucleus.