Dec 9th 2020 Flashcards
We can stain our clothes. We can stain it with the varnish.
Nos podemos manchar la ropa. Nos la podemos manchar con el barniz.
You just got a tattoo, you just got it on your back.
Tú te acabas de hacer un tatuaje.Te lo acabas de hacer en la espalda.
When did your hand hurt?
Cuando se lastimó tu la mano?
What did you cut your finger with? I cut it with a glass.
Con que te cortaste el dedo? Me lo corté con un vidrio.
David shaved his mustache. David didn’t shave it off with a rake.
David se rasuró el bigote. David no se lo rasuró con rastrillo.
I have to change my uniform. I have to change it daily.
Me tengo que cambiar el uniforme. Me lo tengo que cambiar diario.
Kumiko wants to put sunscreen on her face. Kumiko wants to put it on his face.
Kumiko se quiere poner bloqueador en la cara. Kumiko se lo quiere poner en la cara.
Anna and I are going to get our feet wet. We are going to get them wet in the puddle.
Anna y yo nos vamos a mojar los pies. Nos los vamos a mojar en el charco.
You’re going to cut your nails. You are going to cut them because they are long.
Te vas a cortar las uñas. Te las vas a cortar porque están largas.
You are going to dry your hair. You will dry it after you shower.
Te vas a secar el pelo. Te lo vas a secar después de bañarte.
I’m taking off my jacket. I’m going to take it off because I’m hot.
Me voy a quitar la chamarra. Me la voy a quitar porque tengo calor.
We’re going to get our pants dirty. We are going to dirty it with the earth.
Nos vamos a ensuciar el pantalón. Nos lo vamos a ensuciar con la tierra.
We are staining our hands. We are staining them with the markers.
Nos estamos manchando las manos. Nos las estamos manchando con los plumones.
Silvia is brushing her teeth. Silvia is washing them now.
Silvia se está lavando los dientes. Silvia se los está lavando ahora.
I hurt my foot. I hurt him with a stone.
Me lastimé el pie. Me lo lastimé con una piedra.