Dec. 6th- TEST Flashcards
Just an Oak is not complete without the Roots, Trunk and Fruit, a man of God is not whole without godly _____, Spirit-lead _______ and fruitful ______!
Character, motives and ministry
God builds his kingdom with ______ men!
Concealed beneath the soil of your ______ ministry are the roots of your walk with God.
It is impossible to have _____ character and a ______ ministry.
Flawed, fruitful
Adversity forces a person to choose one of two paths:
A) ________ or
Each time you choose character you grow stronger.
Character or Compromise
Leaders cannot rise above the _________ of their character.
To improve your character and build a solid _________ for your leadership, you must:
Find the ________ in Your ________ Because the Enemy Will.
Foundation, cracks, armour
Men have two major areas that they cannot afford even hairline fracture, _______ and ______.
Money, morality
Look for _______ patterns.
Your patterns will help _______ character flaws.
_____ the ______.
Face the Music
Don’t be afraid to look in the _______, it can save you, your family, the church and your ministry down the road if there are problems.
If character defines who you are, then _______ determine why you do what you do.
Your EGO is going to do one of two things:
EGO- ______ _______ _____
EGO- _______ _______ ______
Edge God out
Edge God only
Woven intricately into the proud, wicked nature of our old man is the desire for _______, ______, and ______.
Pentacles, power, notariety
We are not _______, we are ministers and we must remember the crown we are called to wear is a crown of thorns.
The _____ symbol we carry is a _____.
Status, cross
The ______ _______we can attain to is _____ ______.
Loftiest position, Washing feet
So let your _______ for ministry always be with a towel, a basin, a pitcher of water and making life better for others at the _______ of self.
Motive, sacrifice
When you climb the pinnacle for self you will _____ power, when you get there for others you will not.
Satan wanted Jesus to throw around His post just because He could, but Jesus knew ______ is always packaged ________.
Power, submission
In the Kingdom of God any power that comes is always to ______ others.
Never consider ______ and ______ dead before you are.
Pride, fear
The three most powerful temptations a leader faces are;
1) instant ________,
2) _________, and
3) ___________
Gratification, recognition, applause
Do I make decisions out of ______ and _____ or our of _______ and humility?
Pride, fear, submission and humility.
______ and ______ always ______ man from God, man from other people, and man from himself.
Pride, fear, separate
Focus on your _______ (root) and your ______ (route) and your ______ (fruit) will take care of itself as a natural outcome of having the inner man right!
Character, motives, ministry
“Whatever you ______, You ____ _____ ___. _____ ___ ______!”
Build, You will Love In. Build It Right!
Fasting mortified your _______. It puts your flesh under ________ to the spirit.
Flesh, subjection
Fasting _______ you of ____.
Empties, you
In times of ______, the people fasted to persuade God to spare them from impending calamity.
Individuals fasted in the hope that God would ________ them from trouble.
Fasting was regarded as a ______ to prayer to assure that God would answer the prayers.
Jesus teaches us through His example fasting that fasting is associated with ________ upon God.
Fasting is a _____. Every believer is expected to fast. Christ said “When ye Fast.” He expects us to fast.
Types of Fasting
- ) ______ _______ : in which there is no intake of food for a prescribed period of time, through there may be an intake of liquids
- ) ______ _______: In which the diet is limited, through some food is allowed and
- ) _______ ______: in which there is a total abstinence from food and liquids in all forms.
Normal Fasting
Partial Fasting
Absolute Fasting
There are severe allergies duration that we find biblically:
- _____ day: normal Fast period
- ______ days.
- ______ days.
- _____ days.
One, Three, Seven, Forty
There are situation biblically that we find people Fasting:
- _____ and _____.
- ___________.
- ______ for Sin.
- Loss and Grief
- Distress
- Sorrow for Sin
- Seeking God’s Intervention
- Seeking Guidance
Fasting keeps the believer in the _______ of God.
Fasting ______ the believer’s soul before God.
Fasting teaches the believer his _______ upon God
Fasting demonstrates to God (by action) a real ______.
Fasting _____ the believe to control and discipline his life.
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”