Dec 22 Flashcards
Grapevine in Hampton Court
1000 years old 1 root that is 2 ft wide branches 200 ft long despite age still produces tons some branches 200 ft away from root still delicious fruit because connected life flows from that single root bringing nourish
each much answer two questions this morning
are we connected to the vine or is the life
of Christ flowing within us
how much fruit are we producing
no fruit some fruit abundant fruit
read John 15:1-8
Jesus tells disciples he is the true vine
ever wondered why he told them that
I know what I think
remember what had just happened
and where they were at this time
night of Jesus betrayal
but before that they were in upper room
as they celebrated passover in upper room
Jesus washed their feet & spoke with them
about things going to take place
after much discussion Jesus ends chapter
saying come now let us leave
Mathew another of disciples said
following passover meal they sank hymn went out to the mount of olives believe that they were making their way to mount of olives & garden gethsemane Jesus continued to instruct the group who had walked with him last 3 years He knew time was running out but still had much wanted to share with them
Chapter 15 continues Jesus teaching
Jesus was a master teacher
didn’t talk over peoples heads
used things common to those taught
so they could understand his teaching
I believe that as Jesus & disciples made way
walked by something everyone in Jerusalem
familiar with - a grapevine
Jesus walks up to the vine
tells his disciples I am the true vine
now he had their attention
now there was something they were familiar with
could understand as an illustrated sermon
in upper room Jesus had told disciples
things that would be difficult to understand
now he could help them comprehend
two things stand out from what he had told
two things he told them
he was the life
holy spirit was coming with strength
and would be in them
Jesus clarifies
the upper room teaching with illustration
we all can understand when he says
I am the true vine
even the rough fisherman walking wit him knew
life flowed from the vine into the branches
so Jesus uses common sight seen around area
bring further understanding to what said earlier
Therefore Jesus is showing
his disciples and us he is the source of spiritual life Jesus is the source of life a resource made available by the holy spirit when he comes to dwell in believer John spell this out plainly
John 15 : 11& 12
and this is the testimony God has given us eternal life and this life is in His son He who has the son has life He who does not have the Son of God does not have life
lets deal with our first question
are you connected to the vine
if you are not connected through forgiveness
then you are as good as dead
life you are living is empty & meaningless
because not connected to source of life
but when connected to Jesus
The choice is yours
you can either stay the way you are
choose to be grafted into life giving vine
all other vines are lifeless
branches have no fruit because no life in vine
but when connected to Jesus suddenly
everything made new & alive
the life source produces fruit
Jesus is life source his life within believers for one purpose to produce fruit question we need to think about how much fruit no fruit some much