Dec 2017 Flashcards
I can’t believe it took you two hours to get here
No puedo creer que tardaste dos horas en llegar
What a long time you take. Hurry up.
Cómo te tardaste. Apúrate ya!
It has stopped raining
Ha dejado de llover
I’m not trying to hide anything
No trato de ocultar nada
It would be great
Sería genial
Should I send her flowers for her birthday?
Debería mandarle flores para su cumpleaños?
We need to send your grandma a card to thank her for the present she sent us
Hay que mandarle una tarjeta a su abuela para agradecerle por el regalo que nos mandó
Nobody could break the piñata with the stick
Nadie pudo quebrar la piñata con el palo
I found out because I saw it online
Lo supe porque lo vi por internet
Follow me and I will show you the way home
Sígueme y te enseño el camino a casa
I have done everything
Hay realizado todo