DeBritto Weathering, Soil, Erosion, Water Cycle Flashcards
What is the effect of climate on weathering?
Climates that have alternating periods of hot and cold weather allow the fastest rates of weathering.
the collision of rocks that results in the breaking and wearing away of the rocks which is a form of mechanical weathering
What does the term carbonation mean?
Carbonation is the conversion of a compound into a carbonate
What is A Horizon
The A horizon, or topsoil, is a mixture of organic materials and small rock particles and is the layer from which surface water leaches minerals.
The change of state from a gas to a liquid.
Ice wedging
another form of mechanical weathering , which occurs when water seeps into cracks in rock and then creates pressure on the surrounding rock
What is B Horizon?
The B horizon, or subsoil, contains the minerals leached from the topsoil, clay, and sometimes humus.
What is it called when gravity causes rock fragments to move down a slope?
Mass Movement.
Define the term acid precipitation and give an example
precipitation,such as rain,sleet,or snow,that contains a high concentration of acids,becaus—e of pollution of the atmosphere
What is C Horizon?
The C Horizon consists of partially weathered bedrock and is the layer in which the first stages of mechanical and chemical change occurs.
What is it called when a rock weathers eventually becomes very fine particles that mix with water,air,and humus and is normally a slow process?
Soil Erosion
Differential Weathering
The process by which softer, less weather-resistant rock wears away and leaves harder, more resistant rock behind
What is one type of climate effect ?
What is Weathering?
The physical breakdown or chemical decomposition of rock materials exposed to Earth’s surface.
What is Chemical Weathering?
The process by which rock is broken down into smaller pieces by physical means.
Chemical weathering
the erosion or disintegration of rocks, building materials, etc.
What is erosion?
A process in which materials of Earth’s surface are loosened,dissolved,or worn away and transported from one place to another by a natural agent, such as wind, water, ice, or gravity
Why does a small surface area help a rock resist weathering?
The smaller the surface area is the less exposure it gets from weathering
What is a sheet erosion?
The process by which water flows over a layer of soil and removes the topsoil
What is oxidation?
Chemical reaction that takes place when a substance comes into contact with oxygen or another oxidizing substance.