Debbie Flashcards
Medical Terminolgy
Instrument to cut
Ex. microtome - an instrument for cutting sections (as of biological tissues)
Separation; destruction loosening
electrolysis - decomposition
Binding, fixation (of a bone or joint)
Arthrodesis - The surgical immobilization of a joint or a joint fusion performed to relieve pain
Crushing - Lithotripsy (kidney stones)
Excision, removal - (gastric resection gastrectomy)
Suture - gastrorrhaphy
Suture of a perforation of the stomach.
Surgical puncture - (amniocentesis)
Fixation (of an organ) - gastropexy - stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall
To break; surgical fracture - arthroclasia - A forcible breaking up of the adhesions in an ankylosis to allow more mobility in the joint.
-clasia, -clasis
Incision - laparotomy - surgical incision of the abdominal wall
Surgical repair - plastic surgery (osteoplasty)
Forming an opening (mouth) - permanent opening - colostomy - surgical formation of an artificial anus by connecting the colon to an opening in the abdominal wall
Rupture - hysterorrhexis - rupture of the uterus
Abnormal condition - leukosis - especially : any of various leukemic diseases
-osis; (increase; used primarily with blood cells
Paralysis - paraplegia
Softening - osteomalacia - bones can become thin, brittle
Swelling - excess accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue
Nourishment, development - nutrition : nurture : growth
Discharge, flow - diarrhea