Debate Vocabulary Flashcards
Rejects the resolution
Best Definitions
Refers to when debaters may argue that their definition is superior to that of another debater.
Refers to the arguments debaters can make during the round.
The conflict with a specific argument made by the opponent; direct confrontation of ideas.
This involves summing up the debate; addressing the most important arguments, and offering voting issues. Debaters usually do this in their last speech.
The idea that the debate must be fair for both sides (the rules of the debate must not provide a better opportunity for one side to win over the other.
Prep Time
Used to get ready and plan for their next speech. In Lincoln-Douglas, debaters get 3 minutes of this.
Referring to when teams debate the meaning of certain words in the resolution in an attempt to prove that the affirmative either is or is not debating to topic as worded.
Status Quo
The current situation while the debate is occurring; current “norms” in society.
When one debater makes as many arguments as possible attempting to make too many for the opponent to answer.
A deceptive, misleading, or false notation, belief, etc.
Published literature introduced in the debate to provide support for an argument.
The time one debater gets to interact with another debater by asking questions. This time can be used for clarification or to set up an argument.
The side that supports the resolution. It explains why the resolution is correct.
Refers to arguments, assumptions, or definitions made by one side that prevents both sides from competing.