Death of a Salesman Flashcards
‘To me you are.
The handsomest. [from the darkness is heard the laughter of a woman] (Linda)- p29
‘He’s been
trying to kill himself’ (Linda)- p46
‘I’m always in
a race with the junkyard’ (Willy)- p57
‘He’s going to
kill himself, don’t you know that?’ (Biff)- p91
‘Pop, I’m nothing!
I’m nothing, pop. Can’t you understand that? There’s no spite in it anymore. I’m just what I am, that’s all’ (Biff)- p105
‘I never had
a chance to say goodbye’ (Linda)- p111
‘I made the last
payment on the house today. Today, dear. And there’ll be nobody home’ (Linda)- p112
[A melody is heard played upon a flute. It is…
telling of grass and trees and the horizon…before us is the salesman’s house. We are aware of towering, angular shapes behind it, surrounding it on all sides]- p7
‘They boxed
us in here. Bricks and windows. Windows and bricks.’ (Willy)- p12
‘He’s planting
the garden!’ (Linda)- p99
‘There’s more of him
in that front stoop tha in all the sales he’s ever made’ (Biff)- p110
‘To suffer
fifty weeks of the year for the sake of a two-week vacation, when all you desire is to be outdoors’ (Biff)- p16
‘Oh, won’t that be
something! Me comin’ into the Boston stores with you boys carryin’ my bags. What a sensation!’ (Willy)- p24
‘And what goes through
a man’s mind, driving seven hundred miles home without having earned a cent?’ (Linda)- p45
‘His whole
attitude seemed to be hopeful’ (Linda)- p55
‘When he died,
hundreds of salesmen and buyers were at his funeral’ (Willy) p-63
‘Dad is never
so happy as when he’s looking forward to something’ (Happy)- p83
‘I’m so
lonely’ (Willy)- p92
‘How do we
get back to all the great times?’ (Willy)- p101
‘He had the wrong
dreams. All, all wrong.’ (Biff)- p110
‘A salesman is got
to dream, boy. It comes with the territory.’ (Charley)- p111
‘Cause one thing boys:
I have friends’ (Willy)- p24
‘You want
a job?’ (Charley)- p33
[sarcastically] ‘Glad to her it, Willy.
Come in later. We’ll shoot a little casino’ (Charley)- p40
‘I am offering
you a job’ (Charley) ‘I don’t want your goddamn job!’ (Willy)- p76
‘Nobody dast
blame this man’ (Charley)- p111