Death and the elderly Flashcards
A time of spiritual cleansing and preparation for heaven
Being born again in another form
Continuing life in another form
Discrimination and prejudice against the elderly
A special place where people go to die with dignity
2 quotes from the bible which teach us to care for the elderly
“Honour your mother and father”
In Leviticus it says “show respect for the elderly”
What do Christians believe happen when you do
You go to heaven/hell depending on what kind of life you lead
(Bullet points) is it ever right to kill a person?
1) killing is generally not the right option
2) even killing people in the wrong can lead to too much violence
3) people who have a poor standard of life who are in a critical condition should get the choice
4) in this case it might be better to go to heaven in peace than suffer everyday
Give 4 reasons why a Christian would support life support machines
1) the ideal of compassion
2) sanctity of life (God given)
3) the ideal of causing no harm to any living being
4) God-Gutenberg skills and talents to create life support machines in order to help his people