Death and the Afterlife Flashcards
In Christianity who judges you and how?
In Christianity, when you die, you are judged by God and he decides based on choices you made in your life where you go.
Who was Boethius and what did he say about God and Judgement?
Boethius was a Roman philosopher who when in prison wrote a book, in the book he mentioned that everybody has freewill and can do what they want. However, God does nothing to prevent anything bad. He once said: “God is the watcher on the hill,”
Which parable best describes God and how he judges people?
The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats.
What is the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats about?
The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats is about God who is the judge, judging both the good people and the bad people. In this parable the good people who have made moral choices in their life are represented by the Sheep. The goats are the immoral people who have made bad choices, they are the bad people.
What did the sheep (good people) do?
The sheep (good people) fed people when they were hungry and gave them shelter when they had none. When they helped those people they were helping God and were helping people in his name. The good were judged and because of their actions could go to heaven..
What did the goats (bad people) do?
The goats (bad people) did not help everyone and did not help God, because of this he put the goats on the right and the sheep on the left. The goats on the right were sent to hell where they would be punished.
What is the Book of Judgement?
The Book of Judgement is believed in by SOME Christians but NOT ALL. These Christians believe that when you died you will be bodily resurrected and brought before God on his throne where he will Judge you through the Book of Judgement. The Book of Judgement has a record of everyone’s actions good and bad.
What is an epitaph?
A phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone.
What might happen at a Christian funeral?
You must get at least 5 points in order to be right.
- Bible Reading
- Sad/Favourite music played
- Buried/Cremated
- Flowers
- People wear dark clothing
- Words said by vicar and families
- Wake
- Mourning
- Candles
What did Jesus say about death in John 11:25?
“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;
Why do people wear dark colours at a Christian funeral?
People wear dark clothing as a sign of their sadness however, in some cases bright clothing is preferred as even though it is a sad time, we are happy that the person has reached heaven.
Why are their flowers at a traditional Christian funeral?
The flowers are sent as a tribute to the person and it also represents the beauty of the new life and a better place. It shows God promised a wonderful new life following death.
Why are candles sometimes lit at a Christian funeral?
Candles represent Jesus and how he is the “light of the world”
What does the minister say during the burial?
“We commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”
What are the alternatives for an atheist funeral?
There will be more memories and no bible readings, possibly no candles as they represent Jesus. Instead of the minister saying a few words it will most likely be a close family member or friend saying a few words. Some favourites songs may also be an option.
What happens at a funeral in Hinduism?
For most the purpose of a funeral in Hinduism is so that those close to the deceased can grieve as well as release the soul of the dead. When the person is close to death they will be given a Tulsi leaf and water from the river Ganges. Other points include a lamp at the head of the body. Pindas in the coffin and a Mala or Garland of flowers around the neck.
What are Pindas?
Pindas are balls of cooked rice and barley flour mixed with ghee and black sesame seeds offered to ancestors during Hindu funeral rites.
What happens at a Jewish funeral?
As Jews die they try to say Shema a prayer showing their belief of God. When they die the burial must take place fast. at the funeral the body is clothed in tachrichim a white shroud.
Where do Jewish people think they go when they die?
In Judaism there is no clear teaching about where you go when you die. Originally in the older teachings everyone went to a dark place for all eternity. Now the newer teachings have a more heaven and hell type approach. If you are good you go to Gan Eden (Heaven) if you are bad you go to Gehenna (Hell).
What happens at a funeral in Islam?
In Islam you are not allowed to be cremated and you have to be buried as soon as possible most likely, on the day of your death. Burial at night is to be avoided. Also only men will ever attend the funerals.
Does Islam have a heaven and hell?
Yes they are not called heaven and hell however, they are called different things. Jannah is where you go if you have been good. Jahannam is if you have been bad.
How are you judged in Islam?
One day Allah the Muslim God will come and rise all the dead and judge people on how they lived their lives.
Do Sikhs believe in reincarnation?
Yes they do reincarnation is where when you die you are reborn with your soul but not with your previous body. You can be reborn as either an animal or a human again. This means that for Sikhs death is not the end it is just one more step in life.
What happens at a funeral in Sikhism?
The coffin is sent to a Gurdwara, the Sikh place of worship, from there it is placed in front of the Guru Granth Sahib. For the next ten days many families will stay at home and read all of the Guru Granth Sahib. In many cases the ashes of the dead are taken and placed in a river in India.
What is Sin?
An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
Are Sins and Law the same?
No if you sin you will not always be arrested. Sinning can include using the Lord’s name in vein, that will not get you arrested but if you kill someone that is both breaking the law and a sin.
What is Original Sin?
The sin that we are all born with. We have Original Sin because of Adam and Eve and the first ever sin.
What happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
Adam and Eve were created by God into the Garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve that they were allowed to do as they pleased but do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. At this point Adam and Eve only had the knowledge of good. Unknown to them if they ate from the tree they would learn evil. One day a serpent tricked Eve into eating a fruit from the tree, nothing happened but when Adam ate the fruit they learnt of Evil and were banished from the Garden.