Death and the afterlife Flashcards
why people believe in afterlife?
-his death + resurrection r part of gods divine plan
the soul
why people believe in aterlife?
-eternal soul
-resurect into new dimension
-reject platonic view: soul+body split (disembodied existence)
why ppl believe in afterlife?
-religious experience
-in old n new testament (more apparent in NT)
-writings of st paul+relevation
-afterlife would give us a chance fulfill human potential+ dont necesssary need belief in god
steven pinker quote
organisms not angles
‘we are organisms not angles, and our brains are organs not pipelines to the truth’
support: revelation 21.4
‘he will wipe every tear from their eyes there will be no more death or morning or anything or pain, for the old order of things has passed away’
AGAINST: wittgenstien quote
-‘the world is all n that is the case’
problems of resurection
-no systematic explanation of neaning of resurrection or its consequences for the AL
st paul
-(5AD-64/65 AD)
-books: romans + galathians
john hick
predestinantion, chosen by god for heven or hell
limited election
-view that god choose only a few ppl for heaven
-west boro baptist church
-st augustine
-john calvin (16thh century)
unlimited election
-view that all ppl are called to salvation but only a few will be saved
-karl barth (1886-1968)
-view that everyone will be saved
-john hick (1922-2012)
st augustine
limiteed election
-pelagianism: ppl born w blank slate not good or bad
-god knows our dentisty
-gods grace decides who will be elected
-love n mercy
john calvin
limited election
-16th century
-predistned some for eternsl punishment, others for eternal life w god
-gods in absolute control
-infulential-mainly in protestant traditon
LE CRITICISM: ch spurgen
gods then condemming people to hell
single predistination
-the view (catholics) tat god choose those that will go to heaven
double predistination
-the view (calvanists) that god chooses those that will go to heaven + alo ho goes hell
karl barth
-jesus brought salvationfor whole world- all are called to salvation, not everyone responds to the call
-jesus elects
-christ died for everyone
john hick
-he believed in universal salvation, no election+everyone saved
-everyone reach god i the reach
-pope didnt say there is no hell
-denied that pope francis told an italian jounralist ‘there is no hell’
disembodied existence
-patonic idea
-able to exist spirtually w/out a body
-‘tent+clothing’+ ‘seed’ metaphor
CRITICISM: pope benedict 16
-makes christ death on cross seem pointless if everyone is saved regardless (protestant)
-a place or state where the soul is ‘purged’
-catholic teaching developed by early thinkers eg origen (184-254ce) + augustine (3354-430ce)
pope gregory
invited purgatory