Death and dying Flashcards
What are the 5 stages dying people generally go through?
Name 3 places people could die
What is biological death?
Biological death is the end of life
What is a social death?
When a person is no longer capable of mastering their own life and relied on others to act on their behalf
What is medicalisation?
Asserts that more and more aspects of daily life have been brought into the biomedical sphere of influence.
Leads to cultural iatrogenesis - undermines peoples own abilities to cope with pain and manage their own health
What are 4 forms of awareness contexts?
Suspicion awareness
Mutual pretence
What is closed awareness?
When the staff know but the patient does not know
What is suspicion awareness?
When doctors and nurses avoid speaking about death, patient does not press on although knowing about his or her terminality
What is mutual pretence?
When both doctors and patients pretend like nothing is wrong
What is open awareness?
The patient is openly informed by healthcare professionals
Associated with “good” death
What are the 5 features of a good death?
Awareness of dying
Personal preparation and social adjustments
Public preparations (settle practical accounts)
Relinquishing of formal work roles
Formal and informal farewells