Dealing with offending behaviour: Anger management Flashcards
Outline Cognitive behavioural Therapy for Anger management
Anger management focuses on cognitive & behavioural aspects of offending
Novaco(1975) suggests cognitions precede aggressive behaviour, & anger is demonstrated in situations percieved as anxiety-inducing or threatening
* Behavioural element suggests becoming angry reinforces the feeling of control
thus, anger management is a form of CBT-where taught to recognise triggers for feelings of anger, then encouraged to develop behavioural techniques to manage feelings without need for violence
3 stages of anger management therapy
- Cognitive preparation
- Skill acquisition
- Application practice
A01-Outline 1st stage of anger management therapy
- Cognitive preparation
1ST Stage requires offender to reflect on past experiences with therapist to identify patterns of their anger
The therapist aim is to reframe anger -inducing situations & help them break their automatic response to a non threatening situation
- i.e offender may view someone looking at them as act of confrontation,in redefining the situation as non threatening, therapist attempts to break automatic response of offender
Outline 2nd stage of anger therapy
2 . Skill acquisition
In this stage offenders are introduced to a range of techniques & skills to help them deal with anger-provoking situations more rationally & effectively
* Cognitive techniques-positive self talk
* Behavioural-assertiveness training how to communicate
* Psychological-methods of relexation/meditation
the latter promotes the idea that its possible for offender to be in control of their emotions instead of ruled by them
outline 3rd stage of anger management therapy
3 . Application practice
In final stage, offenders are given the opportunity to implement their skills they have learned during ‘role play’ with the therapist
This requires dedication from the offender-because they have to genuinely believe role play is a real situation
effective implementation of the strategies from the offender is then met with positive reinforcement from the therapist
Eclectic approach
Strength of Anger management
Anger management works on number of different levels. It includes cognitive preparation in order to identify the precusors to anger in stage one
It applies behavioural perspective when developing techniques of self-manageent in stage 2
Finally, social approach is adopted in phase 3 when offenders required to demonstrate what learned during role play
This multidisciplinary approach acknowledges that offending is a complex social & psychological activity
Limited long-term effectiveness
Limitation of anger management
Blackburn(1993) whilst anger management has a noticeable effect on conduct of offenders in short term, little evidence that it redues recidivism in long term
Due to application phase of treatment relying on artificial role play -not properely reflecting possible triggers present in rela life situations
Means therapy lacks some external validity
Limited real-life application
- The reality of anger management programmes working is very low, because expensive& require specially trained professionals, particularly if working with young offenders
- it requires commitment of offender and if they miss sessions this will add to the cost
- means real-life application of anger management is limited and may not work in most prisons