Deadlines to know Flashcards
Commence a case by serving process
Federal: 90 Days
VA: 1 year
Commence a case against a TP D
Fed: 14 days
VA: 21 days
Answer a pleading generally
21 days (both)
Answer a counterclaim or cross claim
21 days (both)
Answer a pleading if the D is in the U.S. and has waived service
60 days (both)
Answer a pleading if the D is outside the US and has timely waived service
90 days (both)
Answer a pleading after removal
21 days (fed only)
Reply to an answer
21 days (both)
Respond to a pleading after a rule 12 type motion is denied
Fed: 14 days
VA: 21 days
Obey a court order requiring a more definite statement of a pleading
Fed: 14 days
VA: ???
Amend a pleading as of right
Fed: 21 days after serving original
VA: Doesn’t exist.
Motions generally
14 days before the hearing date generally (??)
Fed: Make the motion before a responsive pleading
VA: make within 21 days of receiving the complaint, or before/at the same time as your answer.
Fed: Any time until 30 days after the close of discovery.
VA: At any time
Motion for sanctions
Fed: 21 day safe harbor
VA: Get fucked, no safe harbor.