De Bello Gallico Terms Flashcards
allied Gauls in Gallia Ulterior/Provincia
Gauls in SW Gaul
Arar (Saone)
river dividing Gauls and Germans
German king who takes over the Sequani who had asked him for help; prominent in second half of Book I
Gallic tribe that occupied the Northern third of Gaul
main city of Aedui where Caesar makes his winter quarters in Book I
Germans who are allied with Orgetorix
Calpurnius I (L. Calpurnius Piso)
Consul in 112 BC and is killd by the Tigurini in 107 BC
Calpurnius II (L. Calpurnius Piso Caesioninus)
Consul in 58 BC; grandson of Calpurnius I; Caesar’s father-in-law through his daughter Calpurnia
Lucius Cassius
Consul in 107 BC who is killed by the Helvetians
leader of the Sequani who is approached by Orgetorix
father of Casticus
Gauls who inhabit Central Gallia
Cimbri & Tutoni
German tribes defeated by Marius
Crassus (M. Licinius Crassus)
wealthy Roman; 1/3 of th Triumvirate
Aeduan whose brother is Dumnorix and is highly regarded by Caesar
Aeduan approached by Orgetorix; conspirator; ultimately saved from Caesar’s wrath by his brother in Book I
Gallia Cisalpina
Northern Italy from the Rubicon to the Alps
Gallia Transaplina
also known as “Provincia”; Gallia on the far side of the Alps
Garumna (Garone)
river that separates the Aquitani from the Gauls
Aeduan city nearest to the Helvetians
Germans who lived mainly across the Rhone; Caesar references their defeat by Marius in 2nd century BC; Ariovistus is Germani
Gauls allied–in name at least–with the Romans
Gauls who wish to migrate from their territory; precipitate Caesar’s campaign in 58 BC
Caesar’s third province in modern Bosnia Hersgovinia
Iura (Jura)
mountain range that cuts off the Helvetians on their Western side
Caesar’s daughter who is married off to Pompey as part of the political de that occurs in the Triumvirate
Labienus (Q. Atius Labienus)
Caesar’s 2nd in command who later betrays him and allies with Pompey
Lacus Lemannus (Lake Geneva)
lake in within the territory of the Helvetians
Lex Manilia
gave Pompey command against Mithradates; signifies era of unnecessary powers given to political authorities
Lex Gabina
gave Pompey command over the pirates; signifies era of unnecessary powers given to political authorities
Liger (Loire)
river that goes through Central Gaul
uncle of Caesar who held consecutive consulships; he was a Populares
Matrona (Marne)
river that separates Belgica from Gaul
envoy who is sent to Ariovistus but is arrested and put in chains by him
king of Pontus who controlled all of the Black Sea and most of the Balkan penninsula; he was a formidable enemy of the Roman people and was killed by Pompey
Caesar’s rhetoric teacher on the island of Rhodes (Greek)
leader of the Helvetians; plots to become king of all Gaul; put on trial by his own people for this reason and kills himself
Magnus a third of the “Triumvirate” who was also Caesar’s rival and son-in-law
Pyrenaei Montes (Pyranees)
mountains that border Aquitania in the South
Rhenus (Rhine)
river dividing Germania from Gallia
Sequana (Seine)
river dividing central Gallia from Belgica
Gallic tribe who invited Ariovistus to help them but Ariovistus then occupied their territory
Germanic tribe who were allies of the Helvetians
Sulla (L. Cornelius Sulla)
lieutenant and protege of Marius but they had a serious falling out because of differing political views; he was an Optimates and as dictator published proscriptions
Balbus and Oppius
Caesar’s henchmen back in Rome during his campaign who distributed his reports in the city
Valerius (C. Valerius Procillus)
Caesar’s interpreter with Diviciacus who he trusts
Gallic tribe who tried to escape Caesar
Vesontio (Besancon)
place where Caesar’s troops nearly revolted in mutany because of their fear of Ariovistus/Germans