DDx & Work-up Flashcards
21 yo f presents with throbbing left temporal pain, flashes of light, weakness, numbness, N/V and photophobia
DDX: 1. Hemiplegic migraine 2. Tension headache 3. Cluster headache Work-up: MRI-brain, CT-head, CBC, ESR
26 yo m severe right temporal headache with ipsilateral rhinorrhea, eye tearing and redness; every night and last for 45 min.
DDX: 1. Cluster headache 2. Migraine 3. Trigeminal neuralgia 4. Intracranial neoplasm, 5 .Tension headache Work-up: MRI- brain, CT- head, CBC, ESR
65 yo f c/o new onset severe intermittent R temporal headache, fever, blurred vision in R eye, weight loss, and pain in her jaw when chewing. h/o shoulder pain
DDX: Temporal arteritis, 2. Vasculitis, 3. Migraine Work-up: Temporal artery biopsy, ESR, CRP, CBC, Doppler U/S - carotid, MRI-brain
30 yo f c/o frontal headache, fever and nasal discharge, the headache worsens when she bends forward. Pain on palpation of frontal and maxillary sinuses.
DDX: 1. Acute sinusitis 2. Migraine 3. Tension headache. Work-up: CBC, XR-sinus, CT- sinus
50 yo f c/o recurrent b/l squeezing headache typically towards end of her work-day. Stress in her life. Decreased caffeine intake recently
DDX: 1. Tension headache 2. Migraine 3. Caffeine or analgesic withdrawal 4. Depression Work-up: CBC, electrolytes, ESR, MRI- brain, LP- CSF analysis
35 yo m c/o sudden onset severe headache, vomiting, confusion, L hemiplegia, nuchal rigidity.
DDx: 1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage 2. Meningitis/encephalitis 3. Intracranial hemorrhage Work-up: CT-head w/o contrast, LP- opening pressure and CSF analysis, CBC, PT/PTT/INR, Urine toxicology
25 yo m army recruit c/o high fever, severe headache, confusion, photophobia, and nuchal rigidity
DDx: 1. Meningitis 2. Subarachnoid hemorrhage 3. Encephalitis 4. Sinusitis Work-up: LP- CSF analysis, Blood culture, CBC, CT- head, MRI- brain, PT/PTT/INR
18 yo f c/o daily pulsatile headache, vomiting, and blurred vision. She takes OCPs.
DDx: 1. Pseudotumor cerebri 2. Migraine 3. Tension headache 4. Intracranial venous thrombosis. Work-up: Urine hCG, LP- opening pressure & CSF analysis, Dilated fundoscopy exam, Funduscopic eye exam,
75 yo m c/o daily pain in the R cheek. Pain is electric and stabbing and occurs while he is shaving. Each episode lasts for 2 min.
DDx: 1. Trigeminal neuralgia 2. Tension headache 3. Migraine 4. Cluster headaceh 5. TMJ disorder Work-up: MRI- brain, CBC, ESR
81 yo m presents with progressive confusion past several years with forgetfulness and clumsiness. h/o HTN, DM, and 2 strokes. Mental status worsened after each stroke.
DDx: 1. Vascular dementia 2. Alzheimer disease 3. Normal pressure hydrocephalus 4. Chronic subdural hematoma work-up: CBC, VDRL/RPR, Sr. B12, TSH, MRI- brain, CT-head, LP- CSF analysis
84 yo f brought by her son for forgetfulness (loses way back home, forgets phone numbers). Gradual progression.
DDx: 1. Alzheimer disease 2. Vascular dementia 3. Depression 4. Hypothyroidism Work-up: CBC, VDRL/RPR, TSH, Sr. B12, MRI- brain, CT-head, LP- CSF analysis
72 yo m c/o memory loss, gait disturbance and urinary incontinence for past 6 months.
DDx: 1. Normal pressure hydrocephalus 2. Alzheimer disease 3. Vascular dementia 4. Chronic subdural hematoma. Work-up: CT- head, MRI-brain, LP- opening pressure and CSF analysis, Sr. B12, VDRL/RPR, TSH
55 yo m c/o rapidly progressive change in mental status, inability to concentrate, and memory impairment x past 2 months. Myclonus, ataxia and a startle response present.
DDx: 1. Crutzfeldt-Jakob disease 2. Vascular dementia 3. Lewy body dementia 4. Wernicke encephalopathy. Work-up: CBC, Electrolytes, calcium, Sr. B12, VDRL/RPR, MRI-brain, CT-head, EEG, LP- CSF analysis
70 yo m with insulin-dependent DM c/o episodes of confusion, dizziness, palpitations, diaphoresis, and wweakness.
DDx: 1. Hypoglycemia, 2. TIA 3. Arrhythmia 4. Delirium. Work-up: Glucose, CBC, electrolytes, TSH, CPK-MB, troponin, Echocardography, ECG, MRI-brain, Doppler U/S- carotids, Urine toxicology
55 yo f presents with gradual altered mental status and headache. 2 weeks ago she slipped, hit her head on the ground, and lost her consciousness for 2 minutes.
DDx: 1. Subdural hematoma 2. SIADH (causing hyponatremia) 3. Crutzfeldt-Jakob disease 4. Intracranial neoplasm. Work-up: CT-head, CBC, electrolytes, TSH, MRI- brain, LP- CSF analysis