DDx of Ocular Signs Flashcards
DDx of Hyphema
traumatic, iatrogenic (eg. intraocular surgery or laser), iris neovascularization, herpes simplex or zoster iridocyclitis, blood dyscrasia or clotting disorder (eg. hemophilia), anticoagulation, Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis, intraocular tumor (eg. juvenile xanthogranuloma, retinoblastoma, angioma)
DDx of Hypopyon
Infectious K ulcer, endophthalmitis, severe iridocyclitis (eg. HLA-B27 associated, Behcet disease), reaction to an intraocular lens (sterile hypopyon), retained lens particle, device contaminant after cataract surgery (toxic anterior segment syndrome), intraocular tumor necrosis (eg. pseudohypopyon from Rb), retained intraocular foreign body, tight contact lens, chronic K edema with ruptured bullae, severe infalmmatory rxn from a recurrent corneal erosion, Drugs (eg. Rifampin).
DDx of Blood in Canal of Schlemm on Gonioscopy
Compression of episcleral vessels by gonioprism (iatrogenic), Sturge-Weber syndrome, AV fistula (carotid-cavernous sinus fistula (c-c fistula)), superior vena cava obstruction, hypotony
DDx for conjunctival swelling (chemosis)
Allergy, any ocular or periocular inflammation, post-operative, drugs, venous congestion (eg. c-c fistula), angioneurotic edema, myxedema
DDx for conjunctival dryness (xerosis)
Vitamin A deficiency, postcicatricial conjunctivitis, SJS, ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, exposure (eg. lagophthalmos, absent blink reflex, proptosis), radiation, chronic dacryoadenitis, Sjogren syndrome
DDx of Congenital Corneal Edema
Congenital glaucoma, congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy, posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy (PPMD), birth trauma (foreceps injury)
DDx of Acquired Corneal Edema
Postoperative edema, aphakic or pseudophakic bullous keratopathy, Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, CL overwear, traumatic, exposure-related, chemical injury, acute increase in IOP (angle-closure glaucoma), K hydrops (decompensated Keratoconus), Herpes simplex or zoster keratitis, iritis, failed K graft, ICE syndrome, PPMD
DDx of dilated episcleral vessels (without ocular irritation or pain)
underlying uveal neoplasm, AV fistula (eg. c-c fistula), polycythemia vera, leukemia, ophthalmic vein or cavernous sinus thrombosis, extravascular blockage of ophthalmic/orbital venous outflow
DDx of enlarged K nerves?
Most Imp: MEN IIB (medullary carcinoma of thyroid, pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas, may have marfanoid habitus)
- acanthamoeba keratitis, chronic keratitis, keratoconus, neurofibromatosis, Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, Refsum syndrome, trauma, congenital glaucoma, failed K graft, Leprosy, ichthyosis, idiopathic, normal variant
DDx of membranous conjunctivitis? (membrane removal is difficult and causes bleeding)
Streptococci, pneumococci, chemical burn, ligneous conjunctivitis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, HSV, ocular vaccinia
DDx of pseudomembranous conjunctivitis? (membrane removal is easy and without bleeding)
DDx includes causes of membranous conjunctivitis as well as:
Adenovirus (rarely causes true membrane formation), ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, SJS, SLK, gonococci, staphylococci, chlamydia in newborns
DDx of Opacification of the Cornea in Infancy
Congenital glaucoma, birth trauma (foreceps injury), congenital hereditary endothelial or stromal dystrophy (bilateral), PPMD, developmental abnormality of anterior segment (eg. Peters anomaly), metabolic abnormalities (bilateral; eg. mucopolysaccharidoses, mucolipidoses), interstitial keratitis, HSV, K ulcer, K dermoid, sclerocornea
DDx of Pannus (superficial vascular invasion of the cornea)
Ocular rosacea, tight contact lens or CL overwear, phlyctenule, chlamydia (trachoma and inclusion conjunctivitis), SLK (micropannus only), staphylococcal hypersensitivity, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, HSV or zoster, chemical burn, ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, aniridia, molluscum contagiosum, leprosy
DDx of pigmentation/discoloration of the conjunctiva
Racial melanosis (perilimbal), nevus, primary acquired melanosis, melanoma, ocular and oculodermal melanocytosis (congenital, blue-gray), Addison disease, pregnancy, radiation, jaundice, resolving subconj hemorrhage, conjunctival or subconj FB, pharmacologic (eg. chlorpromazine, topical epinephrine), cosmetic (eg. mascara/makeup deposits, tattoo)
DDx of symblepharon (fusion of palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva)
ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, SJS, chemical burn, trauma, drugs, long-standing conjunctival or episcleral inflammation, EKC, atopic conjunctivitis, radiation, congenital, iatrogenic (post-surgical)
DDx of Whorl-like opacity in the corneal epithelium (Verticillata)
Amiodarone, chloroquine, Fabry disease and carrier state, phenothiazines, indomethacin
DDx of Bull’s-Eye Macular Lesion
ARMD, Stargardt disease or fundus flavimaculatus, albinism, cone dystrophy, rod-cone dystrophy, chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine retinopathy, adult-onset foveomacular vitelliform dystrophy, Spielmeyer-Vogt syndrome, central areolar choroidal dystrophy
DDx of choroidal folds
Orbital or choroidal tumor, idiopathic orbital inflammatory syndrome, thyroid eye disease, posterior scleritis, hypotony, retinal detachment, marked hyperopia, scleral laceration, papilledema, postoperative
DDx of choroidal neovascularization (gray-green membrane or blood seen deep to the retina) - More Common
ARMD, ocular histoplasmosis syndrome, high myopia, idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, angioid streaks, choroidal rupture (trauma)
DDx of choroidal neovascularization (gray-green membrane or blood seen deep to the retina) - Less Common
Drusen of the optic nerve head, tumors, retinal scarring after laser photocoagulation, posterior uveitis (eg. VKH, MFC, serpiginous choroiditis), idiopathic
DDx for retinal arterial embolus
- Platelet-fibrin (dull gray and elongated): carotid disease, less commonly cardiac
- Cholesterol (sparkling yellow, usually at an arterial bifurcation): Carotid disease
- Calcium (dull white, typically around or on the disc): cardiac disease
- Cardiac myxoma (common in young patients, particularly in the left eye; often occludes the ophthalmic or CRA and is not seen)
- Talc and cornstarch (small yellow-white glistening particles in macular arterioles; may produce peripheral retinal neovascularization): IV drug abuse
- Lipid or Air (CWS, not emboli are often seen): results from chest trauma (Purtscher retinopathy) and fx of long bones
- Others: tumors, parasites, other FB
DDx for Macular exudates
More Common: Diabetes, choroidal (subretinal) neovascular membrane, HTN
Less Common: Macroaneurysm, Coats disease (children), peripheral retinal capillary hemangioma, retinal vein occlusion, papilledema, radiation retinopathy
DDx for normal fundus in the presence of decreased vision
Retrobulbar optic neuritis, cone degeneration, Stargardt dz or fundus flavimaculatus, other optic neuropathy (eg. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, tumor, alcohol, or tobacco), rod monochromatism, amblyopia, CAR, MAR, nonphysiologic visual loss