DDx KP and Qs Flashcards
GI DDx Qs (Vomiting)
Hernia Qs - Lump or swelling in groin?
Intussusception Qs
Hypertrophic pyloric Stenosis Qs
(2-6 weeks, <12 weeks)
IBD - (Older child) Joint pain, BOV Mouth ulcers? Rashes?
Infection DDx Qs (Vomiting)
General Qs - Fever Qs
Sick Contacts?
Home? Childcare/school?
URTI (Phyryngitis)- Runny Nose? Sore throat? (Young) Drooling?
Pneumonia - Cough?
Pertussis - Vomit after coughing
Irritability and crying on changing nappies or passing urine?
Foul smelling urine?
Sepsis and Meningitis
Rash? Drowsy?
Neurological DDx Qs (Vomiting)
Any recent head injury or falls?
Trauma to Abdomen?
Migraine or Brain Tumor (Old) - Headaches?
Others DDx Qs (Vomiting)
Food Allergies
Vomiting related to any specific food?
Recently Started any solids?
Rash around his mouth after feeds?
Polydipsia – Have you noticed an increase in his thirst?
Polyuria – Is he passing more urine lately?
PMhx or FHx of Diabates
Testicular Tortion
Pain, Swelling and redness in the private parts?
Neonate GI DDx Qs (Vomiting)
General Qs - First Bowels? Gas? Distension? Breast Milk or Formula?
Intestinal Obstruction - Lumps or seen any movement on the stomach?
TEF - Any cough on feeding? Drooling, Breathing difficulty? Noisy Breathing?
Crying DDx Qs
Infection Qs - Fever, OM, GE, SA, UTI, URTI
GI Qs - Hernia, Intussuception, GORD, Constipation
Injuries Qs
Child Abuse Q
Corneal Abrasion Qs - Red eyes? Discharge from the eyes?
Hunger and Food Allergies Qs
- Can you describe his current intake?
- Breast fed or Formula fed?
- How Frequent do you feed him?
- Any solids?
- Rashes around his mouth after giving him solids?
Injuries Qs (Accidental/NAI)
- Recent falls or head injuries?
- Bruises or swelling on the body?
- Coping with the crying? (Shaken Baby Syndrome)
- How are things are going at home?
- Partner Supportive?
- Mood? Financial Issues?
- Alcohol or drugs?
- Frustrated and hurt the baby
Anemia (Pedia) DDx Qs
IDA (Intake) - Red Meat, Too Much Milk
Thalassemia - Family Hx, Ethnicity
Blood Loss - Surgery, PUD
- IBD - BOV, Painful Rash, Mouth ulcres, Chronic D/C
- Celiac - Greasy Stools, Hard flush, Stick to the pan
- Cow protein Allergy - Diarrhea after drinking cow milk, Rashes around the mouth, Abdominal Pain
Hemolytic Anemia (Liver, G6PD) - Yellowish of the Skin, Dark urine and Pale Stools, Broad Bean Use
Malignancy (Leukemia) - LOW, LOA, L&B’s, Night Sweats
Limping DDx Qs
Infections - Septic Arthritis/OM, Cellulitis
- Fever and Chills?
- Rash? Scratches or Insect Bites
- Swelling in Joints
Mechanical and Traumatic
- Recent Falls or injuries
- Play any sports? Excessive time playing?
Transient Synovitis and Myositis
- Any recent flu like symptoms?
Malignancies - Leukemia
- Tiredness night sweats
Rheumatologic Group –
- HSP - Abdominal Pain, Blood in the Urine
- JRA – Family Hx of Arthritis, Pain in any other joint
- IBD – Bloody Diarrhea, Mouth Ulcers
Abdominal and Scrotal (Referred Pain)
- Acute Abd - Abdominal Pain
- Hernia – Swelling and Lump in the Groin
- Pain or Swelling and redness in Scrotum
Inc. Weight DDx Qs
Causes - Diet Qs
Medications - Steroids
Thyroid Qs
Cushing Qs - Red Cheks, Red Striae, Easily Bruise
Compications of Weight Gain - MSK, OSA, DM
Psychosocial - Home, School, Child, Bulimia Nervosa
Dec. Weight Qs
Describe - Losing Weight? Not Gaining weight? Feel that his weight is low for his age?
Growth Chart? Specific Concern?
Diet Qs
Malabsorption Qs
Inc Calorie Use Qs
Eye Swelling DDx Qs
Eye Problem Qs - Fever, Redness eyelids or eye, discharge, itchiness, BOV, Pain on movement
Allergy/Anaphylaxis Qs
Kidney Problems - CKD, Nephrotic Sx
Liver Failure Qs
Heart Failure Qs
Hypothyroid Qs
Autoimmune Qs
Allergic Reaction KP Qs
Explore Rash - Timing, Character
Severe Signs (Anaphylaxis)
- Swelling tongue and Lips
- Drooling
- Noisy Breathing
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Drowsy, LOC
Explore Trigger
- Food
- Medications
- Insect Bite
- Flu Like symptoms
- Changes to Soaps
FHx and PHx - Asthma, Eczema, Hay Fever, Food Allergies
Vomit happen after feeding?
Lie the child down immediately after feeding?
Burp him after feeding?
Refuse feeds?
Arching of his back?
Sleep well?
Intussusception Qs
Intermittent screaming?
Become pale before screaming or vomiting?
Red jelly like stools?
Pulling his leg to the chest?
Recent Viral infection or vaccination?
Hypertrophic pyloric Stenosis
Vomits extremely forceful?
Feel a lump or see any movement on the tummy after feeding?
Child still hungry after vomiting? (Hungry Vomitous)
Birth Hx - Jaundice, Bowels, Fever, Antibiotics
Family Hx
Intestinal Obstruction Qs
Previous Hx of Obstruction
Previous Hx of Surgery
RF - Recent Change in Feeds, Enough Fluids
Cystic Fibrosis - Recurrent Infections
Adhesions - Surgery
Hernia - Lumps in the Groin
Intussusception - Red Jelly Like stools, Irritable, Pulling legs to the chest
Neonate Vomiting Qs
Pregnancy Qs
- Antenatal Test done?
- Scans Done? - Polyhydramnios?
- Swab Test Done? Ulcer or Rash down below?
- TORCH infection?
- Pre-eclampsia, GDM?
- Drugs, Alcohol, Medications?
Birth Qs
- Term, Pre-Term
- Long Birth? Instruments?
Type 1 DM Qs
Treatment? Compliant?
- Change in dose? Missed Dose? SE
Reg Ff up, Blood test
- Uncontrolled DM - Polyuria and Polydipsia
- DKA** - Abdominal Pain, Change in diet? Fever? Medications
Diet Qs
Can you tell me more about his diet?
Fruits? Vegetables?
Junk Foods? Lollies?
# Times he eats?
How long is one meal?
Recent Antibiotic Use?
Developmental Delay Qs (15 m/o)
Gross Motor
- Walking w/out Support? (Stand w/out, Crawl)
- Able to hold Neck
Fine Motor
- Able to Scribble with crayons? (Hold things, Reaching out)
- Hands always clenched?
- Speak Clearly (Babble, Sounds)
- Able to play with other kids? (Peakaboo, Eye Contact, Smile)
Developmental Delay Qs
Explore Delay - Timing Qs, Describe and Compare both sides, A&A
Explore Domain - Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Communication, Social
BINDSMA - Pregnancy, Birth, Delivery
- Brain - Seizures, Trauma, Infection, Kernicterus?
- Thyroid Qs - Coarse Cry, Large Tongue, Dry skin and Constipation
- Neuromuscular Qs - Floppy, Size of muscle, Deformities, Scissoring of legs
General Qs - Hearing Vision, Sleep, Family Hx, Social Hx
Rash Down Below Qs (Vulvovaginitis)
Vulvovaginitis Qs
- Dysuria
- Wear tight fitted clothing?
- Use of strong soap? Bubble Baths?
- Playing in sand?
- Waddling in water?
Allergic Dermatitis - Fhx
Psychologic Assessment of Child
- How is she behaving? Anything Unusual?
- Look Sad? Sleeping well?
- Aggression?
- Look forward to seeing her dad?
Constipation Qs (Soiling Context)
Timing Qs
General Abdomen Qs
- N/V
- Abdominal Pain
- Distension/ Pass wind
- Fever/ Dizziness
- Diarrhea/Constipation
Bowel Motions
- How Often? Blood or Mucus?
- Refuse to go to toilet, Withhold his bowels?
- Painful bowels?
Constipation Rf
- Diet - Vegetables, Fruits, Junk Food, Water Intake, Excercise
Enuresis Qs
Timing Qs - Dry for 6 months, On/Off, Worse
A&A, Triggers
Constipation Qs
Hernia Qs
Nutrition (Caffeine)
Trauma Qs (Hand)
Describe the Incident? Land on his hand? Bent his hand?
General Trauma Qs
- Swelling, Redness, Bruises
- Other Injuries - Anywhere else? Head? LOC? Vomit?
Vascular - Color change pale or blue?
MSK - Deformities? Asymmetry? Difficulty Moving?
Neuro - Pins and Needles, Numbness?