DCC 801-900 Flashcards
occīdō -cīdere -cīdī -cīsum
kill, cut down
dēscendō -scendere -scendī -scēnsum
climb down, descend
hiems hiemis f.
contineō -tinēre -tinuī -tentum
contain, restrain
dēferō -ferre -tulī -lātum
carry away, report
oportet -ēre -uit
it is proper, right (+ acc. + infin.)
tribūnus -ī m.
tribune, title of various Roman officials, as mīlitum, plēbis, aerāriī
bōs bovis m.
ox; gen. pl. boum
īrāscor īrāscī īrātus sum
grow angry; īrātus -a -um: angry
aeger aegra aegrum
forum -ī n.
market-place, forum
offerō offerre obtulī oblātum
present, offer, expose
revocō -āre
call back, recall
cingō cingere cīnxī cīnctum
encircle, surround, gird
integer -gra -grum:
untouched, fresh, complete, whole
validus -a -um
alō alere aluī alitum
flōs flōris m.
flower, bloom
īctus -ūs m.
blow, stroke
colligō -ere -lēgī -lēctum
gather together, collect
pergō pergere perrēxī perrēctum
continue, proceed; awaken
praesēns -ntis
present, in person, ready
rēctus -a -um
straight, direct
lātus -a -um
broad, wide
praeceptum -ī n.
rule, precept; command
recēdō -cēdere -cessī -cessum
step back, recoil, recede, withdraw
whether; utrum … an: whether … or
famēs -is f.
hunger, famine
pariō parere peperī partum
bring forth, give birth to; accomplish
appāreō -ēre -uī
appear, become visible
in what way, how?
error -ōris m.
wandering; error, mistake
forsitan, fortasse
perhaps, perchance
convertō -vertere -vertī -versum
turn about, turn, change
proficīscor -ficīscī -fectus sum
set forth, go
secundus -a -um
following; favorable; (as numeral) second
aperiō aperīre aperuī apertum
castus -a -um
pure, spotless, chaste
iūdex iūdicis m.
judge, juror
lapis lapidis m.
nimis or nimium
onus oneris n.
load, burden
opera -ae f.
labor, activity, work
pauper -eris
poor, lowly
āēr āeris m.
negōtium -ī n.
pāreō pārēre pāruī
suddenly, unexpectedly
argentum -ī n.
silver, money
ūtilis -e
aethēr aetheris n.
pure upper air, ether, heaven, sky
mereō merēre meruī meritum
deserve, merit; serve as a soldier
portō -āre
carry a load
proprius -a -um
one’s own, peculiar
avis -is f.
vanus -a -um
empty; false, deceitful
māteria -ae f.
material, subject matter; timber, lumber
paucī -ae -a
few, a few
voluntās -ātis f.
wish, desire
ēgregius -a -um
distinguished, uncommon
difficilis -e
not easy, hard, difficult
gladius -ī m.
cibus -ī m.
certō -āre
decide by contest; fight, compete, vie
initium -ī n.:
pertineō -tinēre -tinuī
extend over, reach; refer to, pertain to, be the business of
turbō -āre
disturb, confuse
cōnsūmō -sūmere -sūmpsī -sūmptum
to use up, consume
corrumpō -rumpere -rūpī -ruptum
break up, destroy, ruin
incidō incidere incidī
fall upon, fall into; happen
paulō, paulum
to only a small extent, slightly, a little
hospes hospitis m.
guest, guest-friend; stranger; host
rīdeō -ēre rīsī rīsum
laugh, laugh at
aevum -i n.
eternity; lifetime, age
audāx audācis
bold, daring; reckless
posterus -a -um
next, later
praetor -ōris m.
praetor, one of the chief Roman magistrates
rūs rūris n.
differō differre distulī dīlātum
scatter; publish, divulge; differ; defer, postpone
vītō -āre
avoid, shun
prīvātus -a -um
personal, private
serviō -īre
be a slave, serve (+ dat.)
vereor verērī veritus sum
fear, stand in awe of
ingredior -gredī -gressus sum:
step in, enter
addūcō -ere -dūxī -ductum
lead to, induce
hortor hortārī hortātus sum
urge strongly, advise, exhort
reus -ī m.
certainly, of course
comparō -āre
get ready, provide; compare
perpetuus -a -um
unbroken, perpetual
dēsīderō -āre
long for, desire greatly
celebrō -āre
frequent, throng, crowd
cōnficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectum
complete, accomplish; destroy, kill, consume
intendō -tendere -tendī -tentum:
stretch out, strain
iūrō -āre
take an oath, swear; iūs iūrandum, oath
only, merely
auctōritās -ātis f.
influence, clout, authority
iaciō iacere iēcī iactum
throw, hurl
labōrō -āre
toil, work; be in trouble or distress