day5/40 Flashcards
Front: What is the Control Plane in Kubernetes?
The Control Plane is responsible for managing the Kubernetes cluster.
● It includes components such as the API server, scheduler, controller manager, and etcd.
What is the role of the API server in Kubernetes?
The API server is the entry point for all requests to the cluster.
● It authenticates requests, performs validation, and updates the etcd database.
What is the role of the Scheduler in Kubernetes?
The Scheduler is responsible for scheduling pods on suitable nodes, considering resource availability and pod requirements.
What is the role of the Controller Manager in Kubernetes?
● The Controller Manager ensures that all components in the cluster are functioning properly.
● It includes various controllers such as the Node Controller, Namespace Controller, and Deployment Controller.
What is etcd in Kubernetes?
etcd is a distributed key-value database that stores the cluster state.
● It stores information about pods, nodes, services, configs, and more.
What are nodes in Kubernetes?
Nodes are virtual machines (VMs) that run the workloads, i.e., the pods.
What is a Pod in Kubernetes?
A Pod is the smallest deployment unit in Kubernetes.
● It contains one or more Docker containers.
How does the workflow in Kubernetes operate?
User sends a request to the API server.
● API server authenticates and validates the request.
● API server updates the etcd database.
● Scheduler identifies a Pod that needs scheduling.
● Scheduler sends instructions to the API server to schedule the pod.
● API server sends instructions to the Kubelet on the appropriate node.
● Kubelet creates and manages the pod.
What is the purpose of using Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is used for efficient, automated, and scalable deployment and management of containers.
● It allows managing application lifecycles, scheduling resources, and monitoring the health of the container cluster.