day 5 (president) part 1 parliament and union executive Flashcards
impeachment of president article 61
violation of the constitution
which house for impeachment charges of pres
initiation for pres impeachment minimum signs
1/4th members of the house
how long notice impeachment pres
14 days
who appoints commission to investigate into the conditions of sc st obc
Draw pres articles mind map
who receives the credentials of ambassadors and high commissioners from other countries
who can declare any area as a scheduled area and has powers of their administration
when speaker and dep speaker of ls are absent then what
pres appoints a member of ls for it
max possible period for pres ordinance
6 months and 6 weeks
6 weeks wo time jitne me parliament ko finalise karna hai ki ye ordinance rahega ya nahi
pres lays reports of whom in front of parliament
expand on it:
cag, upsc, fc etc
president can declare national emergency only when…
a written request by the cabinet ministers headed by prime minister is given
proclamation of national emergency approved by parliament within?
1 month
state emergency to be approved by parliament within
2 months
max period state emergency
three years
how could, if needed, an emergency can be extended above 3 years
constitutional amendment bill
ex punjab and j&k
all money bills to be referred to what during emergency
to the parliament
also all the 66 state subjects
proclamation of financial emergency accept parliament time?
2 months
who causes to be laid the annual financial statement aka union budget in front of parliament
money bill relation with pres
can only be introduced in the parliament with president’s prior recommendation
international treaties signed by president are subject to?
approval of the parliament
veto power article
only veto not enjoyed by pres of india
qualified veto
state bill veto power of pres article
which caa made president’s decision of ordinance promulgation conditions final and conclusive and beyond judicial review
38th 1975
notice ki 42nd se pahle bhi mahaul tha judiciary weak karne ka
38th caa president ordinance power removed through?
44th caa 1978
ordinance issued by pres to be laid in front of which house when it reassembles?
when can pres withdraw ordinance by him
any time
but since it is not a descretionary power it is bound by the advice of com headed by pm
ordinance power to amend the constitution
aise kaise bc?
ordinance cannot amend the constitution
which landmark case limited the ordinance making power of pres and governors against making a lot of ordinances without parliamentary approval waiting
dc wadhwa 1987
5 pardoning powers of pres
teach them properly
can governor under 161 pardon death sentence
who advices pres to use pardoning power 111
union cabinet
president gives reason for pardon order to?
pres doesn’t need to give reason for his order
in which case president’s pardon is subject to judicial review
when the presidential decision is arbitrary, irrational, mala fide or discriminatory
pres prior approval of money bills article
special procedure for money bills article?
annual financial statement to be presented on president’s directives article?
clemency powers of pres article
woi ha re pardon
clemency power kahte hai
yaad rakh
pres appoints pm and com on advice of pm article
formation of inter state council article
pres elected twice
rajendra prasad
vc of andhra and banaras hindu university president of india
sarvepalli radhakrishnan
shortest serving pres who died in office
zakir hussain
padma awards of zakir hussain
padma vibhushan
bharat ratna
vv giri pres after?
after zakir hussain died in office
second pres died in office?
fakhruddin ali ahmed
dono muslims
pres who was the first cm of andhra pradesh
ns reddy
youngest pres who occupied rashtrapati bhavan
ns reddy
pres during emergency
fakruddin ali ahmed
pres receiver of tamra patra for contributions to india’s freedom struggle
ramaswamy venkataraman
4 pres jinhone rajasthan me lagaya pres rule
67 me s radhakrishnan
77 me bd jatti (acting pres)
80 ns reddy
92 me sd sharma
president kr narayanan was india’s ambassador to?
draupadi murmu governor prev of
ramnath kovind governor prev of
pratibha patil which award receiver
bharat ratna
4 pres who were bharat ratna
pranab mukharjee
pratibha patil
apj abdul kalam
zakir hussain