Day 5 Flashcards
C fund
Common Stock index
buys stocks of large to medium size companies
Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index
S Fund
Small capitalization Stock Index Investment Fund
Invests in stocks of small to medium-sized US companies.
Dow Jones U.S. Completion TSM index
I Fund
International Stock investment Fund
International stocks from more than 20 developed countries
MSCI EAFE stock index
F Fund
Fixed Income Index Investment Fund
Invests in government bonds
Bloomberg Barclays U.S. aggregate Bond Index
G Fund
Government securities Investment Fund
Consistent but low investment return
Lifecycle funds
a mix of C,S,I,F,G funds depending on where you are relative to retirement.
Leaving the military TSP options
Leave funds in TSP
Transfer them to an IRA
Contribute via transfer
Withdraw funds
Withdrawals without a 10% penalty
59 1/2
Required minimal distributions
70 1/2
What is a TLO Matrix
Terminal learning objective
It shows you when you are supposed to learn things about our finances
What is vesting?
Serving before Dec 31, 2017
Opted into BRS
1% matching immediately
Matching vesting immediately
Serving after Jan 1, 2018
Automatically enrolled into BRS
1% after 60 days
Matching starts at 2 years and you are vested
Vested after serving 2 years
4 components of BRS
TSP contribution and match
Continuation Pay (mid-career incentive )
Defined Benefit (pension)
Lump-Sum option(advanced military pension