Day 4 Vocab Flashcards
Apocryphal (adj)
of questionable authority or authenticity
Apostate (n)
someone who abandons a religion
Approbation (n)
approval and praise
Arbitrary (adj)
determined by chance or impulse; random
Arbitrate (v)
to judge a dispute between two parties
Archaic (adj)
old-fashioned, ancient
Ardor (n)
intense and passionate feeling; passion
Arrogate (v)
to claim something without the justification to do so
Articulate (adj)
able to speak clearly
Assail (v)
to attack
Assuage (v)
to make something that is unpleasant less severe (more bearable)
Attenuate (v)
to weaken
Audacious (adj)
fearless, daring (ex. “I CANNOT believe that Max had the AUDACITY, the UNMITIGATED GULL, to say Trae Young is more clutch than Steph Curry”)
Augury (n)
a prophecy
August (adj)
dignified, grandiose