Day 4/5 Install Flashcards
Lt Hag 150 j Drive
J Drag, Z comeback, x dig, y seam
Rt Tug 80 J cross x stutter y escort
j cross, x stutter, z dig
Rt Trot 150 J trip seam
j drag, z dig, x comeback, y normal wheel
what do you have backside of cross
what does everyone have in cmbt rt hit fox j exit 50 y strike
z curl, j exit into dig, x fade, y strike
on a 970/971 play what does the outside receiver and maybe the slot do
slot has staircase, outside has hitch
backside of strike what do you have
vertical concept
if not tagged in mesh what do you do
sit route at 6 yards
if on the same side as a cross route what do you have and what does the opposite side have
Dig, 76
what does everyone have on lt hog zin 50 z strike
z motions in to run strike route, y runs curl, x dig, j fade
Lt Tug fox 150 j stretch
z curl, j stretch, y arrow, x comeback