Day 23 Flashcards
How might an auditor test Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures?
- Verify quoted market prices
- Do MGMT’s significant assumptions provide a reasonable basis?
- Do modifications to observable info reflect assumptions made in the market?
- Evaluate the Valuation model
- Test underlying data
- Develop independent fair value estimates
- Review subsequent events
- Consider use of specialist
What attributes should the auditor consider when assessing client risks that may result in material misstatement sure to fraud?
- Type of Risk
- Significance of the Risk
- Likelihood of the Risk
- Pervasivness of the Risk
The auditor’s responsibility paragraph of the unmodified opinion audit report EXPLICITLY states that an audit includes:
“We identified and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, and design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks”
Define: Bill of Lading
Generated by the carrier
After identification of misstatements in the sample, the next step is to:
Project the detected error to the entire population
Finish the stmt that is EXPLICITLY written: “The audit is conducted in accordance with _______…“
“Auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America”
Steps in applying Audit Data Analytics:
- Risk Assessment
- Test of Controls
- Substantive Procedures
- Concluding the Audit
Define: Regression Analysis
Evaluates relationships between variables, show the direction and strength of the relationship.
Typically utilizes SCATTER PLOTS
Define: Variance Analysis
Compares a Company’s forecasted or budgeted values against actual values.
Bullet Chart
Define: Financial Projection
What type of engagement is to examine an entity’s financial projection?
Financial Projections- are hypothetical, “WHAT-IF” prospective financial statements.
Agreed-Upon-Procedures and restrict the use of the report
Name the Auditor’s Responsibilities in an Attest Function (Opinion)
- Maintaining Professional Skepticism
- Complying with relevant ethical requirements
- Exercising Professional Judgement
- Obtaining SUFFICIENT APPROPRIATE audit evidence
- Complying with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)
Opinion Type: The FS fail to contain adequate disclosure of related party transactions
Qualified or Adverse
Opinion Type: The auditor is unable to determine the amounts associated with illegal acts committed by Mgmt
Disclaimer of Opinion
Opinion Type: The client refuses to permit its attorney to furnish information requested in a letter of audit inquiry
Disclaimer of Opinion
Opinion Type: The auditor is engaged after fiscal YE and is unable to observe physical inventories or apply alternative procedures to verify their balances
In assessing the tolerable rate of deviation of a test of controls that was performed using statical sampling, an auditor should consider that:
Deviations from pertinent controls at a given rate ordinally result in misstatements at a lower rate.
“Sometimes a control is not working but that does NOT mean there is a dollar misstatement”
EX: Testing approval for sales orders and 50% were not approved, that does not mean sales income is off by 50%
Advantages of Statistical Sampling:
- Measure the sufficiency of the audit evidence
- Provide an objective basis for quantitatively evaluating sample results
- Design efficient sample
- Quantify sampling risk to limit risk to an acceptable level
Name the two requirements crucial to achieving audit efficiency and effectiveness with a computer are selecting what?
- Identification of the Appropriate Audit Tasks
and - Appropriate Software to perform the tasks
Define: Principal Owners in regards to Related Party Transactions
Principal Owners- Include owners of record or known Beneficial Owners owning 10% or more of voting interest
*NOTE: Form 4 is a required form for Principal Owners to be filed with SEC when they purchase or dispose of equity in an entity in which they own 10% or more.
What should the auditor do when a Contingency that is “reasonably possible” and can be estimated?
Disclosed in the footnotes of the financial statements, but no entry is required
What should the auditor do if a major customer filed for bankruptcy during the year under audit?
When a major customer files for bankruptcy, a loss is both probable and estimable = SHOULD BE RECORDED
DR Bad Debt (Operating Expenses) is recognized
CR Allowance for Doubtful Accts is increased
A practitioner has examined a client’s compliance with debt covenants associated with a bank loan and is ready to issue a report. What standards apply?
Compliance Attestation Standards - apply for an Examination of a client’s compliance
What does the Completeness assertion relate to?
Completeness Assertion relates to the recording of all transactions
What procedure would the auditor most likely perform to test controls relating to mgmt’s assertion about completeness of cash receipts for cash sales at a retail outlet?
Observe the consistency of the employees’ use of cash registers and tapes
True or False: The auditor may report the absence of significant deficiencies to those charged with governance or management.
The auditor may NOT report the absence
What should the auditor do when there is a scope limitation when auditing internal control?
Disclaim an opinion or withdrawl from the engagement
What should the auditor do when there is a material weakness in internal control?
Material Weakness = ADVERSE
What type of report: “The report may not be suitable for any other purposes and that users are responsible for determining whether the procedures performed are appropriate”
Agreed-Upon Procedures
A justified departure from GAAP would result in what?
Emphasis-of-Matter Paragraph
A change in accounting principle that has a material effect on the FS would result in what?
Emphasis-of-Matter Paragraph
What procedure is most effective in reducing attestation risk?
Examination of evidence
What nonissuer engagements require a Mgmt Rep. Letter and what engagements do not?
DO NOT: Preparation and Compilation
DO: Review and Audits
Attestation Engagements: Common Concepts
Compliance with all attestation standards
Acceptance and continuance
Preconditions: (Independent, responsible party, subject mater is appropriate)
Engagement documentation standards
Change in terms of engagement
Others work = OK
Responsibility for quality control
Professional skepticism
What is Mgmt’s assertion in an MD&A presentation when they say “Nonfinancial data have been accurately derived from related records”
Define: Predecessor Auditor
is an independent CPA from a different audit firm who was engaged to perform but did not complete an audit OR an independent CPA from a different audit firm who has reported on the most recent audited FS
Two assertions for which confirmation of AR balances provides primary evidence are:
- Rights and Obligations
- Existence
What are the auditor’s expanded responsibilities when performing an audit in accordance with 2 CFR 200 single audit?
Performance of additional procedures to test and report on compliance with laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of contracts or grant agreements that have a direct and material effect on major federal award programs