Day 2 (Greetings & Introducing Yourself) Flashcards
I am fine and you? (Informal)
Ana mniha w enta/e?
I am fine and you? (Formal)
Ana mniha w hadertak/ik
Very good
Ktir mniha
Very bad
Mech mniha
More or less / so so
Noss noss
I am fine too, thank you
Ana kamen mniha, merci
What is your name?
Chou esmik/ak?
My name is Pablo
Esme Pablo
What’s your family name?
Chou 3eltik?
My family name is Toranzo
3elte Toranzo
Nice to meet you
How old are you?
Adde 3omrik/ak?
I am … years old
What’s your nationality?
Chou jensiytak/ik?
I am Cuban Mexican
Ana Coobe Meksike
I am 26 years old
3omre sette w 3eshrin sene
What do you study? (Fem)
Chou btederse?
What do you study? (Masc)
chou btedros?
Where do you study? (fem)
Wen 3am tederse?
Where do you study? (Masc)
Wen 3am tedros?
Where do you work? (fem)
Wen btechteghle?
Where do you work? (Masc)
Wen bteshteghel?