Day 2 Equations Flashcards
Calderwood Equation
%C = 5.88 + 2.206(CV - 0.094S) + 0.0053 [80 - 100(VCM/FC)]^1.55
equilibrium at stage 2 countercurrent extraction
y_2 = (L/V)(x_1 - x_N) + y_N+1
amount of A in raffinate n
A,Rn = A,F [B/(KD*S + B)]^n ; applicable if S fed in each stage are equal
Tiller-Tour Equation
N - 1 = log[(x_1 - y_2)/(x_N - y_N+1)] / log [(x_1 - x_N)/(y_2 - y_N+1)]
Raoult’s Law & Dalton’s Law
Pi = Pi*xi ; P_T = ΣPi
relative volatility
α_AB = [y_A(1 - x_A)] / [x_A(1 - y_A)]
Rayleigh Equation
ln(A_1/A_2) = (α_AB)[ln(B_1/B_2)] ; A_1 B_1 = from feed, A_2 B_2 = from residue
flash distillation slope & the fraction of F that vaporized
y = (x_F)/f - [(1-f)/f]x, f = V/F
theoretical O2
O2,theo = C + H/4 + S - O2
free O2
O2,free = O2,xs + CO/2 + H2/2
supplied O2
O2,supp = O2,theo + O2,xs = N2,supp(21/79)
dry basis (db) vs wet basis (wb)
db -> (A/H2O)100 ; wb -> [A/(A+H2O)]100
amount of H2O, CO2 and CO produced from combustion
H2O = H/2 ; CO2 + CO = C_total
octane number
[C8H18/(C8H18+C7H16)]*100 , variables in unit volume
cetane number
[C16H34/(C16H34+C11H10)]*100 , variables in unit volume