Day 2 Flashcards
迷思 迷思
mísī myth (loanword)
特征 特徵
tèzhēng characteristic/diagnostic property/distinctive feature/trait
争先恐后 爭先恐後
zhēngxiānkǒnghòu striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another
优惠 優惠
yōuhuì discount
一潭静水 一潭靜水
yì tán jìng shuǐ a pool of still water
理所当然 理所當然
lǐsuǒdāngrán of course, naturally, take for granted
神圣 神聖
shénshèng divine/hallow/holy/sacred
旗帜 旗幟
qízhì banner
不妥 不妥
bùtuǒ inappropriate
误判 誤判
wùpàn to misjudge/error of judgment/incorrect ruling/miscarriage of justice
弊端 弊端
bìduān malpractice/abuse/corrupt practice
喝止 喝止
hèzhǐ to shout at sb to stop
无穷大 無窮大
wúqióngdà infinite
要挟 要挾
yāoxié to threaten/to blackmail
筹码 籌碼
chóumǎ bargaining chips/gaming chip/casino token
外汇 外匯
wàihuì foreign (currency) exchange
比例 比例
bǐlì proportion/scale
赚取 賺取
zhuànqǔ to make a profit/to earn a packet
内销 內銷
nèixiāo to sell in the domestic market/domestic market
仿制 仿製
fǎngzhì to copy/to imitate/to make by imitating a model
夺取 奪取
duóqǔ to seize/to capture/to wrest control of
无本 無本
wú běn without cost
宏观 宏觀
hóngguān macro-/macroscopic/holistic
宅 宅
zhái residence/(coll.) to stay in at home/to hang around at home
发威 發威
fāwēi show power