Day 17 Flashcards
Everyone is going to go to that place two times.
Todos van a ir a ese lugar dos veces.
The good thing is that I have this.
Lo bueno es que tengo esto.
Both(m) want what that girl told them.
Los dos want lo que esa chica les told.
Actually, the good thing is that we all helped ourselves.
En verdad, lo bueno es que todos nos helped.
Really, she has two houses
De verdad, ella tiene dos casas.
You see yourself as the one(f) that has done everything.
te you see as la que ha hecho todo.
You (formal) are one of the guys.
Usted es uno de los chicos.
I’m going to leave because you don’t have anything.
Me voy a ir porque no tienes nada.
You don’t have one (m), you have everything.
No tienes uno, tienes todo.
She’s going to leave because of this one (f).
Ella se va a ir por esta.
This time you have this place.
Esta vez tienes este lugar.
You have all the good things
Tienes todas las (buenas) cosas buenas.
Someone else is here all the time.
Alguein más está aquí todo el tiempo.
I’m going to the place that has one(m) and not to that one.
Voy al lugar que tiene uno y no a ese.
You(m) are going because you’re good, and you’re here.
Vas porque eres bueno y estás aquí.
The truth is that that is a good place.
La verdad es que ese es un buen lugar.
Nobody is going because he doesn’t have anything.
Nadie va porque él no tiene nada.
I’m making something for myself because I have time.
Estoy haciendo algo para mi mismo porque tengo tiempo.
He is the one that is more tall.
Él es el que es más tall.
I have what the girl has.
Tengo lo que la chica tiene.
The intersting (thing) is that that house isn’t good.
Lo interesting es que esa casa no es buena.
She is the one that is doing them a favor.
Ella es la que les está haciendo un favor.
Someone is going more days than the boy.
Alguien (está yendo) va más días que el chico.
You (formal) have both things.
Usted tiene las dos cosas.
We both (m) are going where no one has gone.
Los dos (vamos) estamos yendo where nadie ha ido.
This gentleman is the one that has it.
Este señor es el que lo tiene.
By that day, someone is going to leave from the place.
Para ese día, alguien se va a ir del lugar. (va a irse?)
The strange thing is that he has something else.
Lo strange es que él tiene algo más.
This house is good, but that one is not.
Esta casa es buena, pero esa no lo es.
She was in a good place.
Ella estaba en un buen lugar.