Day 1 Systems Flashcards
Absolute Block
A block established between block stations, block limit stations, interlockings or any combination thereof which must not be occupied by more than one train except as provided by the rules
A length of track of defined limits, the use of which is governed by block signals, block limit signals, automatic speed control, or any combination there of
Automatic Block Signal System
A block signal system wherein the use of each block is governed by an automatic block signal, the cab signal indicator or both
Block Signal System
A series of consecutive blocks
Manual Block Signal System
A block signal system where in the use of each block is governed by block signals controlled manually, by block limit signals or both, upon information received by telephone radio or other means of communication
Automatic Speed Control System
A system so arranged that its operation will automatically result in the following: a full service application of the train brakes if, while operating under a speed restriction the speed of the train exceeds the predetermined rate. The application will continue until the train is either brought to a stop, or under the control of the engineer, it’s speed is reduced to the predetermined rate
Speed Control Train
A train equipped with the following speed control apparatus: a cab signal indicator, sealed application valve or switch, audible warning device and acknowledging switch, in operative condition for the direction in which it is to move
An arrangement of signals and signal appliances so interconnected that their movement must succeed each other and proper sequence and for which interlocking rules are in effect