Day 1 note Flashcards
- What is the covert mission?
Where actor is denied, but action is not disguised
- What is the target of opportunity?
Targets which were not targeted and the success is with the attacking element
- What do you use to destroy steel bridge?
By using the steel cutting formula and advance formulas
- What is the component of substructure?
Intermediate support and abutments
- What is most vulnerable points of highway systems?
Location where the enemy cannot reestablish movement by making a short detour
- What are the three types of demolition?
Reserved, Deliberate, and Hasty
- What do you use to destroy intermediate support?
By using the placing charge in 45 degree angle
- What are the three types of Locomotives?
Diesel-electric, Electric, and Steam
- What formula use to destroy abutment more than 5 feet thick?
By using the breaching formulas
- What is tactical target?
Targets that will have a direct impact on the military
- What makes railroad system be good target for unconventional forces?
Easy to access, and takes small amount of effort to create huge effect
- What are the two factors use for identify highway bridge?
Superstructure and Load-carrying member
- Track destruction should be accomplished at:
Curves, switches, frogs, and crossovers
- What is critical point of locomotive?
Fuel Tank, Journal Box, Main Generator
- What should you focus on for suspension bridges?
Towers and cables
- What do you use to destroy concrete bridge?
By using the breaching formulas
- What is critical damage point?
A target component that will stop the operation or output of the complex
- In bridge construction, which side do you initiate the charge?
Friendly side
- What is reserved demolition?
Pre-planned explosive that controlled at a specific level of command.
- What is requirement of deliberate demolition?
Deliberate demolition requires sufficient time and effort to prepare
- What is Railroad system priority of attack?
Division HQ/Signal links Yard terminals and control centers Track and structures Locomotives Rolling Stocks
- What is Triple Nickel 40?
5 feet deep borehole
5 feet behind the face of abutment
5 feet on center
40lbs cratering charge
- When do you use hasty demolition?
When time is insufficient, at denied area
- What is “T” type demolition well in tunnel destruction?
750 lbs per ends of the well that have a 15 ft thick “Burden”
- What is strategic target?
Targets that will have a direct impact on the nation’s economy
- What is MTF stand?
Mission Tasking Packages
- What is the minimum gap of rail destruction?
At minimum 20 feet
- True or False: Railroad are most vulnerable to unconventional warfare forces?
- What formula use to destroy abutment up to 5 feet thick?
Triple Nickel 40
- What is 10-2-1 rule?
Use of railroad destruction.
10 charges, 2 feet apart, 1 blocks of TNT
- True or false: on simple span bridge, to efficiently destroy superstructures, every intermediate support should be destroy
False, Every other intermediate support should be destroy
- What is three types of military interdiction?
Destroy, Damage, Cut
- What is TNT requirement on rail system destruction?
Frogs: 2lbs Switch/Crossover: 1lb
- What is the clandestine mission?
Both action and the actor are disguised
- What is the purpose of bridge demolition?
To create gaps in bridges by attacking key bridge component
- Where could you find SOR?
SOMPF, part 1, MTP section 2 and 3
- What is the specialized target?
Target that produce the quickest, most effective degradation of a complex and cause the longest down time
- What are the major factors to consider when targeting highway system during the route recon?
Terrain, road markers, lay of the land, unusual market (rocks, debris, disturbances and warning sign), and obstacle
- What is confidence target?
Targets that may be destroyed or interdicted with a high rate of success
- What is the overt mission?
Both action and the actor are not disguised
- What is the most critical factor in railroad tunnel demolitions?
The types of rock
- What is the main components to attack on bridges?
Tension members