Day 1 Lecture-- 8/29/2016--Periodontics Ethics and Professional Practice Flashcards
Ethics definition
Ethics is a branch of knowledge that deals with fundamental truths of right and wrong behavior, and the goodness and badness of human character, that govern a person’s or group’s behavior.
Values maturity triangle
Self-Centered–>Conforming–> Principled
Self-Centered deals with
either gaining a reward or avoiding a punishment
ex. reason we don’t speed we don’t want to have a punishment. Reason we don’t want to not pass test to avoid reassessment.
Conforming level defining characteristic
We want to get the respect of others and be accepted and liked and are behavior conformed to that need.
Principled Level
Acting on your own core values and what you believe to be right. We feel it’s the right thing to do and sometimes will cause a conflict with law or rules.
Personal Principles Statement
An articulation of your values to set the course of life you wish to pursue.
Congruence Test
Is this congruent with my personal value statement
Good Night’s Sleep Test
Can you sleep at night with all the decision’s you made that day? The hour of the rat–time in the middle of the night were its knawing at you–the rat being your conscious.
Man/Woman-in-the-mirror test
Can you look yourself at the mirror and be comfortable with what you see.
Being Professional and Being A Professional
You dress the part vs. actually being one.
Cognitive Intelligence
the ability to reason, learn, and solve problems (THINKING)
Technical Intelligence
the ability to perform well when completing tasks (DOING)
Emotional Intelligence
how people handle themselves and their relationships (BEING)
Patient Autonomy
treat patients according to their needs, desires, and abilities, within the bounds of accepted treatment.
Involve pts in treatment decisions
Safeguard patient privacy and protect patient confidentiality.
Prophylaxis (adult- 14 or older)
Prophylaxis (adult- 13 or younger)
Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing (4 or more teeth per quadrant)
Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing (1 to 3 teeth per quadrant)
Full mouth Debridement
Periodontal maintenance
Significance of elevated Hb A1C=
diabetes–>periodontitis–>poor healing
averages 3 months worth of blood glucose levels so gives you good picture.
A1C of 6 is a daily glucose level of
A1C of 9 is a daily glucose level of
If pt says A1C was 7 three months ago and now is 300 glucose level so now you know
something has happened or they had orange juice this morning.