Day 1 (1-15) Flashcards
Learning vocub & cracking GRE
Abate (v)
To make something less strong, Moderate, Reduce
Abatement (n)
To make something less strong, Moderate, Reduce
Attenuate (v)
To make something less strong, Moderate, Reduce
Attenuation (n)
To make something less strong, Moderate, Reduce
Subside (v)
To make something less strong, Moderate, Reduce
Abdicate (v)
Give up, Renounce, Repudiate, Reject
Abdication (n)
Give up, Renounce, Repudiate, Reject
Abjure (v)
Give up, Renounce, Repudiate, Reject
Recant (v)
Give up, Renounce, Repudiate, Reject
Recantation (n)
Give up, Renounce, Repudiate, Reject
Repudiate (n)
Give up, Renounce, Repudiate, Reject
Renounce (v)
Give up, Renounce, Repudiate, Reject
Aberrant (a)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Aberration (n)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Anomaly (n)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Anomalous (a)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Deflect (v)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Deflection (n)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Digress (v)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Digression (n)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Diverge (v)
Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical
Tangential (a)
Coming out from normal goal
Abeyance (n)
Suspended action
Abhor (v)
Detest, Regard with disgust
Abhorrence (n)
Detest, Regard with disgust
Abhorrent (a)
Detest, Regard with disgust
Abrasive (a)
Rough, Suitable for polishing (such as sandpaper)