Dative Case Flashcards
Dative Case conjugations
Dative case
indirect object of a verb
definite articles
a specific item or items that are known to both the speaker and the listener
definite masculine, definite feminine, definite neuter, definite plural
Dem der dem den
indefinite articles
used before nouns to indicate that the noun refers to any member of a general group rather than a specific one.
indefinite masculine, indefinite feminine, indefinite neuter, indefinite plural
einem, einer, einem, no form, use keine
negative articles
used to negate the existence or quantity of a noun, similar to how “no” or “not any” are used in English.
negative masculine, negative feminine, negative neuter, negative plural
keinem keiner keinem keinen
Personal Pronouns
replace nouns to avoid repetition in sentences
possessive pronouns:
first person singular, second person singular, third person masculine, third person feminine, third person neuter, first person plural, second person plural, third person plural,
mir dir ihm ihr ihm uns euch ihnen
possesive pronouns
words that indicate ownership or possession
base form of possessive (standard with no gender)
mein, dein, sein, ihr, sein, unser, euer, ihr
possessive masculine and neuter
possessive feminine
possessive plural
indirect object of a verb
dative case
a specific item or items that are known to both the speaker and the listener
definite articles
definite masculine and definite neuter
definite feminine
definite plural
used before nouns to indicate that the noun refers to any member of a general group rather than a specific one.
indefinite articles
indefinite masculine and indefinite neuter
indefinite feminine
no form, just use keinen
indefinite plural
used to negate the existence or quantity of a noun, similar to how “no” or “not any” are used in English.
negative articles
negative masculine and negative neuter
negative feminine
negative plural
replace nouns to avoid repetition in sentences
Personal Pronouns
words that indicate ownership or possession
possesive pronouns
mein, dein, sein, ihr, sein, unser, euer, ihr
base form of possessive (standard with no gender)
possessive masculine
possessive feminine
possessive neuter
mich, dich, ihn, sie, es, uns, euch, sie
possessive pronouns:
first person singular, second person singular, third person masculine, third person feminine, third person neuter, first person plural, second person plural, third person plural,