Dates, Backgrounds, Themes, & Events (Proverbs- Lamentations) Flashcards
When did David become the King of Judah?
1010 BC
When did David become King of Israel & Judah?
1003 BC
When was Solomon crowned King of Israel & Judah?
970 BC
What year were the Kingdoms divided? (Northern Kingdom, (Israel….”the ten lost tribes) Southern Kingdom (Judah))
930 BC
What year was Israel taken into captivity by the Assyrians?
722 BC
What year does Josiah die?
609 BC
When did the first of the three exiling of Judah by the Babylonians take place?
- Also the date from Jeremiah’s prophecy of 70 years is taken ?
-( Daniel is taken to Babylon at this time)
606 BC
What is the date of the second exiling of Judah?
- Jehoiachin is taken to Babylon
- Significant as the line of David to Jesus comes through Jehoiachin
597 BC
What year did the third exiling of Judah take place?
586 BC
In the third exiling of Judah, who did God use to burn and destroy the Temple, tear the walls of Jerusalem down?
What year did Cyrus become King of Persia?
536 BC
What year is the Temple rebuilt?
- Often called the Second Temple or Zerubbabal’s Temple
516 BC
What year does Xerxes begin his reign?
486 BC
What year does Esther become Queen?
479 BC
What year does Nehemiah go back to Jerusalem and rebuilds the walls of Jerusalem ?
466 BC
Reformation Movement takes place in what year?
- Luther, Calvin and Zwingli
The first Great Awakening takes place in what year?
- John & Charles Wesley (Methodism)
What year does the Second Great Awakening take place?
What is another name the U.S. uses for the Second Great Awakening?
The Restoration Movement
What year did the Restoration Movement split?
What year are the Churches of Christ called the “The fastest growing church in America”
What year does Bill Bright initiate Campus Crusade at UCLA?
What year did the Churches of Christ want to imitate the “success” of campus crusade?
Why did the Churches of Christ want to imitate the “success” of the campus crusades?
In an effort to save their children who chose not to go to Christian Colleges
What was the result for the Churches of Christ attempt to imitate the “success” of the campus crusades?
Form and “experimental” effort for secular campuses called: Campus Advanace
Where was Campus Advance founded?
14th Street Church of Christ in Gainesville, Florida
What year was the congregation moved to a new building?
In 1973
In 1973 what was Campus Advance renamed?
the Crossroads Church of Christ
Who was chosen to initiate Campus Advance?
Chuck Lucas
What concepts were introduced in Crossroads Churches of Christ?
- small group evangelism (Soul Talks)
- counting the cost at baptism (total commitment)
- Shepherding “buddy system”
Called “prayer partners
Campus ministers and “women counselors” were raised up and sent into existing Mainline Churches of Christ forming what movement?
“Crossroads Movement” also called the “Total Commitment Movement”
What year was Kip McKean baptized at the 14th Street Church of Christ?
What year was Elena Garcia- Bengochea baptized at the Crossroads Church of Christ?
What year does Kip and Elena get married?
What was the first campus Kip and Elena serve in?
Eastern Illinois University in Charleston
How many disciples did the Eastern Illinois University in Charleston start off with ? And how many did it finish with?
Started with seven student and 300 students were baptized in the next three years
When was the first gathering with the Lexington Church of Christ?
Friday, June 1,1979
How many disciples gathered in the Gempel’s living room?
30 would-be- disciples
What was the Lexington Church of Christ renamed?
Boston Church of Christ
What was the difference between “Crossroad congregations” and “Boston churches” ?
Boston churches every member through the pulpit and discipling was called to “total commitment” while most of the adults in Crossroad churches remained lukewarm.
What year does Chuck Lucas resign from the ministry?
By the time Chuck Lucas resigns what churches had Boston planted?
Chicago, London, New York City and Toronto.
In what years did the remnant (2,000) move to Boston from the Crossroads Campus Ministries?
How many remnants came from the Crossroads Campus Ministries?
2,000 remnant’s came from the Crossroads Campus Ministries.
What years does the “Crossroads Campus Ministry Churches” undergo “reconstruction” ?
1987- 1990
What is reconstruction in a church?
Calling every member of a congregation to be a disciple.
What happened in 1987 due to the reconstruction of the Crossroads Churches of Christ?
The Boston Movement Churches were “disfellowshipped” as they were considered “unbiblical”
Why did the Mainline Churches of Christ “disfellowship” the Boston Movement
Because World Sector Leaders were selected forming a central leadership for the Boston Movement,
What year was the Boston Movement “disfellowshipped” for forming a new central government?
What year do the McKeans move to LA to encourage the young planting?