Dates Flashcards
Nkrumah returns to the Gold Coast from studying in the UK
Death of Nkrumah
coup d’état against Nkrumah implemented by the National Liberation council
Ghana’s independence
March 6th 1957
General Strike orchestrated by Nkrumah
Nkrumah becomes PM of Ghana after landslide election
Formation of the CPP (convention people’s party) - Nkrumah breaks from the UGCC because they are too elitist
June 1949
Formation of the UGCC (united Gold Coast Convention)
August 1947
Nkrumah founds the Bureaus of African Affairs (the BAA)
Conferences led by Nkrumah encouraging independence movements in other African countries
1958 - the All-African People’s conference and the Conference of Independent African States (both same year)
Boycott of SA goods which Nkrumah was reluctant to support
Sharpeville Massacre in SA which re-radicalised Nkrumah on the issue of apartheid
March 1960
Nkrumah is granted a $600 Million loan to build the Volta River Dam - this loan had conditions attached
Nkrumah’s book Africa Must Unite
Bus strike after Nkrumah takes power that represents Tribal tensions inn independent Ghana
1957 - led by the Ga people, who believed other ethnic groups were getting preferential treatment in government.