Dates Flashcards
Swing riots occurred…
Labour Rate
Reform act
What did the 1832 reform act do?
Increased the vote from 5%-8%
Middle classes received the vote
The Great Betrayal - used the working class
1st Royal Commission
1832 - nationwide survey long term concerns about poor relief
What did the 1832 royal commission recommend?
In order to save money and improve efficiency:
- separate workhouses
- parishes should be grouped into unions to provide for workhouses
- all outdoor relief should stop
- less eligibility
- new central authority (powers to make and enforce regulations concerning the workhouse)
Poor law amendment act
What did the 1834 poor law amendment act do:
- no outdoor relief
- central authority to control and enforce regulations (Poor Law Commission)
- setting up of workhouses (1 per union)
- less eligibility (conditions should be worse than lowest paid job - to encourage people to get a job)
1st chartist petition
Outdoor labour test order
Relief given in exchange for manual work
2nd chartist petition
Outdoor prohibitory order
Outdoor relief illegal for able-bodied
Andover scandal
1845 Hampshire- starving paupers Sucking bone marrows Children and women beaten Min. Spent on food McDougal
Poor law board
Removed poor law commission, as commissioners were becoming heavily criticised 1846-47
What did the poor law board do?
Government now recognises cant trust non-governing bodies (reduction of laissez faire)
Now responsible for overseeing POVERTY NOT WORKHOUSES