Dates Flashcards
Parliament against a land tax exiled and assembly of notables. Year?
Day of tiles - nobles revolt. France declared bankrupt. Announcement of estates general for May 1789?
June 1788. August 1788. August 1788.
Elections to estates general. Opening of estates general. Third estate declares itself NA. Tennis Court Oath.
March - April 1789. 5th May 1789. 17th June 1789. 20th June 1789.
Storming of the Bastille. August Decrees and DOROMAC. Women march to Versailles.
14th July 1789. Late July/August 1789. October 1789.
Civil Constitution of the Clergy. Oath to CCC is introduced.
July 1790. November 1790.
Royal family flight to Varennes. Louis suspended from office. Petition and massacre on Champ de Mars.
20th June 1791. July 1791. 16-17 July 1791.
Declaration of Pillnitz. Constitution of 1791. Legislative Assembly. Decrees against émigrés and refractory priests.
August 1791. September 1791. 1 October 1791. November 1791.
Declared war on Austria. Sans culottes first journée to Tuileries. Brunswick Manifesto.
April 1792. 20th June 1792. July 1792.
Suspension of King. Massacres in Paris prisons. Meeting of NC. Monarchy is abolished - France becomes republic.
10 August 1792. September 1792. 20th September 1792. 21/2 September 1792.
Kings trial and execution. Declaration of war on Britain and united. Declaration of war on Spain. Creation of revolutionary tribunal. Beginning of revolt in Vendée. Formation of CPS.
January 1793. February 1793. March 1793 x 3. April 1793.
Expulsion of girondins, federalist revolts. Assassination of Marat. Levée on masse. Constitution of the Terror.
2nd June 1793. July 1793. August 1793. December 1793.
Arrest and execution of Hérbertists and Dantonists. Law of 22 Prairial. Overthrow of Robespierre. Closure of Jacobin club.
March - April 1794. June 1794. July 1794 (9 Thermidor). November 1794.
White Terror. Constitution of year III. Royalist rising of Vendémaire. Installation of Directory.
April/May 1795. August 1795. October 1795. November 1795.
Napoleon made commander of army in Italy.
March 1796.
Fructidor coup against royalist deputies. Treaty of Campo Fornio.
September 1797. October 1797.