Dates Flashcards
Nationalist Socialist Teachers’ Alliance formed.
Emergency Decree for the Protection of the People and State reduces civil liberties.
28 February 1933.
Women’s groups are reformed under Nazi principles, such as the ‘Women’s Front’.
Early 1933.
Reichstag fire.
27 February 1933.
Reichstag fire decree sees the arrest of over 10,000 communists.
28 February 1933.
Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda founded.
March 1933.
Dachau is opened.
22 March 1933.
Boycott of Jewish businesses.
1 April 1933
Trade unions abolished and replaced by the German Labour Fron (DAF).
2 May 1933.
Burning of forbidden books in Berlin.
10 May 1933.
Law passed to build the first autobahn.
June 1933.
Concordat between the NSDAP and the Catholic Church signed.
June 1933.
The Reich Entailed Farm Law is passed.
September 1933.
Germany withdraws from the League of Nations.
October 1933.
The Strength Through Joy (KdF) scheme is set up which offered cheap leisure activities for workers.
November 1933.
The Reichstag plebiscite is held to ensure a single party Nazi state.
12 November 1933.
The state press secretary, the DNB, set up to monitor all new press material.
31 December 1933.
Drive for females to be removed from their job positions (year).
All Jewish teachers are fired following the appointment of Bernard Rust as “Prussian Minister of Education” in February 1933 (year).
Himmler is appointed ‘Inspector of the Gestapo.’
April 1934.
The Night of the Long Knives. Rohm is killed and the SA is disbanded.
30 June 1934.
Law Concerning Measures for the Defence of the State passed, which legalises any act by the state completed in ‘self-defence’.
3 July 1934.
Hitler announces that he led the orders for the Night of the Long Knives, saying he acted as judge.
13 July 1934.
Hindenburg dies and Hitler makes himself Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor.
2 August 1934.
The army (Wehrmacht) swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler.
2 August 1934.
Hjalmar Schacht is appointed Minister of Economics, later introducing Mefo Bills.
August 1934.
A plebiscite approves Hitler as Fuhrer with a Ja vote of 89.9%.
19 August 1934.
Yearly Nuremburg rally takes place, with the use of Speer’s wall of light.
September 1934.
The Saar plebiscite is successful for the Nazis, with 90% voting in.
13 January 1935.
Leni Riefenstahl’s ‘Triumph of the Will’ is first shown.
March 1935.
Anglo-German Naval Pact is signed which allowed Germany to build a Navy 35% the strength of Britain’s.
June 1935.
Conscription is reintroduced, reducing unemployment (year).
Courts deem all action carried out by the police representing the will of the state as legal (year).
Nuremburg Laws are passed excluding German Jews from owning Reich citizenship and prohibiting mixed blood relations.
15 September 1935.
Strikes in Berlin and Russelsheim by left wing workers (year).
Joining the League of Young Girls becomes compulsary (year).
Women are no longer allowed to be judges or called up for jury duty (year).
Goering implements his new four-year plan. The Office of the Four Year Plan assumed control of a number of areas in the economy (year).
Plebiscite on the remilitarisation on the Rhineland gets a 99% Ja vote.
29 March 1936.
The Defence industry reports finds of industrial sabotage, including insubordination, sabotages, and go slows.
15 June 1936.
Berlin Olympic Games impresses foreign visitors.
August 1936.
Pope Pius XI’s ‘With Burning Concern’ is published.
10 March 1937.
Martin Niemoller of the confessional church is arrested for opposing the Nazis (year).
Dietrich Bonhoffer performs many underground seminars (year).
Hossbach Conference which leads to the Blomberg-Fritsch affair.
5 September 1937.
Hjalmar Schacht is replaced by the Nazi Walter Funk.
November 1937.
Blomberg-Fritsch affair.
Early 1938.
Hitler declares himself head of the army following the dismissal of Blomberg and Fritsch.
27 January 1938.
March 1938.
Germany reclaims the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia as a result of Chamberlain’s appeasement.
October 1938.
9 November 1938.
Aktion T4 is coordinated (year).
Early 1939.
Germany takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia without resistance.
March 1939.
Joining the Hitler Youth becomes compulsory.
25 March 1939.
Pact of Steel between Germany and Italy.
22 May 1939.
Employment of women rises to 7.41 million from 5.63 million in 1936.
July 1939.
Nazi-Soviet Pact.
23 August 1939.
Germany invades Poland.
1 September 1939.