Databricks Pro Flashcards
What does transaction log do?
Records changes to records. Not metadata. Inserts, updates, deletes. Table versioning.
What and where is metastore?
high-level metadata about table. Name, schema, location. Info in unity catelog.
Where would schema changes go?
Schema changes would be in the metastore and the transaction log.
What is Pip and Pypi?
pip is an installation method and pypi is an index that is searched for python packages to install.
What is the purpose of a wheel?
It’s a way to package code
What are the keywords for a shallow clone?
What are the keywords for a deep clone?
Which statement regarding static Delta tables in Stream-Static joins is correct?
The latest version of the static Delta table is returned each time it is queried by a microbatch of the stream-static join
What statistics are captured in the transaction log?
Total number of records
Minimum value in each column of the first 32 columns of the table
Maximum value in each column of the first 32 columns of the table
Null value counts for in each column of the first 32 columns of the table
Databricks secret scope permissions
The secret access permissions are as follows:
MANAGE - Allowed to change ACLs, and read and write to this secret scope.
WRITE - Allowed to read and write to this secret scope.
READ - Allowed to read this secret scope and list what secrets are available.
What does sys.path do?
The sys.path variable contains a list of directories where the Python interpreter searches for modules.
What is DBFS
Abstraction on top of scalable object storage like ADLS.
Can attach permission
Attach to cluster, view UI, and view metrics
Attach to cluster, view UI, and view metrics, terminate as well as start and restart compute
can restart permission
cluster permission that can do everything. For example, editing.
can manage
MLFlow model
Mlflow.pyfunc.spark_udf function allows to register a MLFlow model as a Apache Spark UDF.
The registration allows you to use the trained model within Spark, enabling you to apply the model to new data in a distributed manner.
OPTIMIZE file size
1 GB
Auto Optimize file size
128 MB
Does auto-compact support z-ordering?
What’s the minimum size for a partition?
1 GB
Spark UI
So a compute in databricks is reading and writing data. I think Input Size means reading data. So does Min: 78 KiB / 16 records mean that the minimum amount of data read was 16 records, which amounted to 78 KiB in space?