Database and Table Creation Syntax Flashcards
What values can a Boolean datatype hold?
True and false
What datatypes belong to the Character datatype?
char, varchar and text
What numeric datatypes exist?
double precision
What are temporal datatypes?
data, time, timestamp, and interval
What is the UUID datatype?
UUID stands for Universally unique identifier.
The UUID data type is considered a subtype of the STRING data type, because UUID values are displayed in their canonical textual format and, in general, behave the same as string values in the various SQL operators and expressions.
A UUID generated by the UUID() function would look like this:
What array datatypes are available in SQL?
Arrays can be used with many if not all? datatypes:
CREATE TABLE sal_emp (
name text,
pay_by_quarter integer[],
schedule text[][]
What is a Primary Key (PK)?
- A primary key is a column or a group of columns used to identify a row uniquely in a table
- Primary keys are also important since they allow us to easily discern what columns should be used for joining tables together
- Primary keys are integer based and unique
What does PK stand for?
Primary Key
What is a foreign key (FK)?
- A foreign key is a field or group of fields in a table that uniquely identifies a row in another table.
- A foreign key is defined in a table that references the other table’s primary key.
- The table that contains the foreign key is called referencing table or child table
- A table to which the foreign key references is called a referenced table or parent table
- A table can have multiple foreign keys depending on its relationships with other tables
What does FK stand for?
Foreign Key
What is a referenced table or parent table?
A table to which the foreign key references is called referenced table or parent table
Can a table have multiple foreign keys?
Yes, depending on its relationships with other tables
What is a referencing table or child table?
The table that contains the foreign key is called referencing table or child table
What is a child table a child of?
And what does a child table have?
The parent table with the Primary Key
A child table has a foreign key, whereas a parent table has the primary key referencing to the child table
What is a constraint?
SQL constraints are used to specify rules for the data in a table.
Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data in the table. If there is any violation between the constraint and the data action, the action is aborted.
Are constraints specified to a column or table?
Constraints can be column level or table level. Column-level constraints apply to a column, and table-level constraints apply to the whole table.
What are the most common constraints used in SQL
The following constraints are commonly used in SQL:
- NOT NULL - Ensures that a column cannot have a NULL value
- UNIQUE - Ensures that all values in a column are different
- PRIMARY KEY - A combination of a NOT NULL and UNIQUE. Uniquely identifies each row in a table
- FOREIGN KEY - Prevents actions that would destroy links between tables
- CHECK - Ensures that the values in a column satisfy a specific condition
- DEFAULT - Sets a default value for a column if no value is specified
- CREATE INDEX - Used to create and retrieve data from the database very quickly
How can you create a table without any constraints or inheritance?
CREATE TABLE table_name (
column_name TYPE column_constraint,
column_name TYPE column_constraint,