Database Administration Flashcards
What is the role of a database administrator?
- Management of user accounts
- Security
- Management of database instances
- Space allocation
- File system
- Within the database: Quotas and tables
- Backups
What is an example of a deliberate Human Security threat?
Abuse of privilege Spoofing
What is an example of an accidental Human Security threat?
Operational error
What are examples of deliberate Software Security threats?
- SQL injection
2 Database rootkit - Denial of Service
- Worms/viruses
What is an example of an accidental Human Security threat?
What is an example of a deliberate Hardware Security threat?
What are examples of accidental Hardware Security threats?
1 . Power failure
2. Disk failure
What is an example of a deliberate Environmental Security threat?
Terrorist attack
What is an example of an accidental Environmental Security threat?
Natural disaster
What are the 4 stages in relation to Security Threats?
- Planning
- Prevention
- Detection
- Recovery
What is Authentication?
Establishing identity – usually by means of shared codes eg passwords
What is Authorisation?
Giving permission to carry out certain actions.
What does the statement ‘GRANT CREATE SESSION TO bob;’ do?
Allow the user bob to start a session with the database
What does the statement ‘GRANT DROP USER TO bob;
‘ do?
Allow the user bob to drop user accounts
What does the statement REVOKE CREATE TRIGGER FROM bob; do?
Remove the ability to create triggers from user bob
Change Bob’s password
What level does GRANT and REVOKE operate at?
The level of the object.
What do full backups consist of?
- Long time required
- Very large
- Cost of offsite storage (per Gb?)
What do Incremental backups consist of?
- Shorter time
- Smaller
- Restoring database requires multiple steps
What is a transaction log?
Contains a record of all transactions since last backup
What considerations have to be made before carrying out a backup?
- Time to create
- System availability
- Cost
- Time to recover