Data Warehousing Flashcards
What is the process of removing all redundant information for a schema
What are the 4 steps of the dimensional design process?
1) Select the business process
2) Declare the grain in business terms
3) Identify the dimensions
4) Identify the facts
What is Grain?
What a single fact table row represent
What is a dimension?
Provides context for the Fact measures.
Context being What, Where, When, Why, Who and How.
What is a Fact?
Measurements that result from a business process event.
What is a degenerate dimension?
What are the 3 types of fact measure
1) Additive - Summed across all dimensions
2) Semi Additive - Summed across some dimensions (e.g. Not Date)
3) Non Additive - Cannot be summed
Give an example of a Factless Fact
A fact table recording calendar day, student, teacher, class and location.
What are the 3 main types of fact table
1) Transnational
2) Snapshot
3) Accumulating snapshot
What is a consolidated fact table?
Where 2 or more linked business processes are combined in a single fact table. e.g sales and forecasts
What is the name of the type of key is used to join dimensions and facts?
Surrogate Key or Primary Key / Foreign Key
What is the name of the type of key which is used in operational systems to uniquely identify resources
Natural Key / Business Key
What is a degenerate dimension and how does it occur?
This is a dimension key in a fact table that has no associated dimension. This could happen where all the information from an invoice is expressed in the rows and dimensions of a fact leaving the invoice number which is still useful for analysis.
What name is given to a dimension which is joined to multiple times on a single fact table
Role-playing Dimension e.g. Date
What are conformed dimensions?
Where the same dimensions apply to multiple facts which allows data to be easily combined.