Data Structures 7 Flashcards
Array: access, search, insert, delete
Access: O(1)Search: O(n)Insert: O(n)Delete: O(n)
Array: memory
Memory: O(n)
Array: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: quick insert, quick access if index is knownDisadvantage: slow search, slow delete, fixed size
Doubly Linked List: access, search, insert, delete
Access: O(n)Search: O(n)Insert: O(1)Delete: O(1)
Doubly Linked List: memory
Memory: O(3n) (LL: O 2n)
Doubly Linked List: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: quick insert, quick deleteDisadvantage: slow search
Binary Tree: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: quick search, delete, insertDisadvantage: complex deletion
of elements in a binary tree
2^(# of rows)
Heap: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: quick insert, quick delete, access to largest itemDisadvantage: slow access to all other items
Heap Binary Tree: access, search, insert, delete,
Access: O(1)Search: O(n)Insert: O (lg n) Best case: sorted arrayDelete: O (lg n)
Heap Binary Tree: max-heapify, build-max-heap, heap-sort
Max-heapify: O(n)Build-max-heap: O(n)Heap-sort: O(n lgn)
Heap Binary Tree: memory
Memory: O(n)
Heap Binary Tree: definition
A binary tree with two additional constraints:Shape - complete treeHeap property - max/min heap
Heap Binary Tree: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: fast access, quick insert and deleteDisadvantage: slow search, efficient memory if full
Heap-sort: definition
Array size doesn’t change, but heap size doesTake off bottom, reshuffle, repeatLess efficient than max-heapify because it sorts from the top instead of the bottom
Binary Search Tree: search, insert, delete
Search: O(h) / balanced, O(lg n)Insert: O(h) / balanced, O(lg n)Delete: O(h) / balanced, O(lg n)
Binary Search Tree: max, min, successor, predecessor
Max: O(h)Min: O(h)Successor: O(h)Predecessor: O(h)
Binary Search Tree: property
value[left[x]] <= value[x]value[right[x] >= value[x]
Binary Search Tree: memory
Memory: O(n)
Binary Search Tree: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: quick search, quick insert and deleteDisadvantage: slower than hash table
Height of binary tree
number of edges on the longest downward path between the root and a leaflog(n) - complete binary tree
Node height
number of edges on the longest downward path between node and a leaf
Node depth
number of edges on the longest downward path between node and the root
Tries: advantage, disadvantage, memory
Advantage: faster search than a hash table, no collisions, no hash function needed, quick insert and deleteDisadvantage: can take up more space than a hash tableMemory: A LOT - need empty memory for every possibility
Tries: definition
Key-value storage; a kind of treeKey -not- stored in node, value stored in nodeNode variables : Boolean isNode, String value, array Edges
Heap Priority Queue: insert, max, extract max, increase value
Heap-insert: O(lg n)Heap-maximum: O(1)Heap-extract-max: O(lg n)Heap-increase-value: O(lg n)
Priority Queue: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: cheap way to sort priorities, sometimes you want to do things firstDisadvantage: worse at inserting and searching than BST
BST Priority Queue: insert, max, extract max, increase valye
BST-insert: O(h)BST-maximum: O(h)BST-extract-max: O(h)BST-increase-value: O(h)
Red Black Tree: search, insert, delete
Search: O(lg n)Insert: O(lg n)Delete: O(lg n)
Red Black Tree: max, min, successor, predecessory
Max: O(lg n)Min: O(lg n)Successor: O(lg n)Predecessor: O(lg n)
Red Black Tree: memory
Memory: O(n)
Red Black Tree: height
Height: O(lg n)
Red Black Tree: properties
- Every node is either red or black2. The root is black3. Every leaf (NIL) is black4. If a node is red, then both its children are black5. All simple paths from node to child leaves contain the same # of black nodes
Red Black Tree: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: quick insert, delete, and searchDisadvantage: complex implementation
Black height
of black nodes, including nil, on the path from given node to a leaf, not inclusive; any node with height h has black-height >= h/2
Dictionary: definition
A data structure that maps keys to values.
Direct-access table: definition
An element key k is stored in slot k.
Direct-access table: memory
Memory: O(n)
Direct-access table: search
Search: O(1)
Direct-access table: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: quick search, quick insert and deleteDisadvantage: lots of wasted memory, keys must be unique, keys should be dense
Hash tables: memory
An implementation of a dictionary.Memory: O(n)
Hash tables: search, insert, delete
Search: O(1-n)Insert: O(1-n)Delete: O(1-n)
Hash collision
two (or more) keys hash to same slot
make each slot is the head of a linked list
ArrayLists: insert
Insert: often O(1), sometimes more
ArrayLists: advantages, disadvantages
Advantage: advantages of an array, plus does not run out of spaceDisadvantage: inserting can be slower than an array
Stack: definition
Last in, first out.
Stack: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: quick accessDisadvantage: inefficient with an array
Graph: definition
Finite set of vertices connected by edges, directed or not.
Graph: advantage, disadvantage
Advantage: best models real-world situationsDisadvantage: can be slow and complex
Adjacency list: memory
“Memory: O(|V|+|E|) “
Adjacency list: add vertex/edge, delete vertex/edge
Add vertex: O(1)Add edge: O(1)Delete vertex: O(|E|)Delete edge: O(|E|)
Adjacency list: query for adjacency
Query for adjacency: O(|V|)
Adjacency matrix: memory
“Memory: O(|V|^2) “
Adjacency matrix: add vertex/edge, delete vertex/edge
Add vertex: O(|V|^2)Add edge: O(1)Delete vertex: O(|V|^2)Delete edge: O(1)
Adjacency matrix: query for adjacency
Query for adjacency: O(1)
Breadth-first search
Visits the neighbor vertices before visiting the child verticesOften used to find the shortest path from one vertex to another.A queue is usually implemented
Depth-first search
Visits the child vertices before visiting the sibling verticesA stack is usually implemented
Java stream: definition
a sequence of data
Exception handling
When there’s an error, the program makes an error object and passes it off to the runtime system, which looks for a method in the call stack to handle it.
O(1) = happens once
O(lg n)
happens for up to the height of a balanced tree
happens for each element
asymptotically tight bound
asymptotic upper bound
asymptotic lower bound