Data Structures Flashcards
What is a data structure?
A data structure defines how data is organised. Consequently, they also influence how data is allocated in computer memory.
For the same amount of data, different data structures can take more or less space in computer memory.
They are implementations of ADTs (Abstract Data Types).
What is an ADT (Abstract Data Type)?
An ADT is a conceptual collection of operations that can be performed on a data type, without specifying the implementation details.
They are the building blocks of a data structure. Consequently, data structures are often said to be the realisation or implementation of an abstract data type.
What does it mean for a structure to be linear?
For a structure to be linear, it must have a unique first and last element, and for each element, its predecessor and successor are unique.
What this effectively means is that all of their elements are arranged in a sequential order, and each element can be accessed based on their position or index.
Otherwise, it is non-linear.
Give an example of a linear and non-linear structure.
Linear Queue
Priority, Circular Queue
Why is a priority queue not considered a linear data structure, even though data is stored sequentially?
Data is accessed and ordered based on their priorities, not by their position or index. Therefore, a priority queue is considered non-linear.
What is the difference between direct and sequential access?
A direct access structure is one such that any element of the structure can be accessed directly.
e.g. An array, where you can access its elements using an offset value.
A sequential access structure is one such that we can only access the Nth element if we have accessed all elements < N.
e.g. A singly linked list, where you must traverse the list sequentially from its head to search for an element.
What does it mean for a structure to be homogeneous, as opposed to being heterogeneous?
A homogeneous structure is one that can store a collection of multiple different data types, while a heterogeneous structure can only store data of one type.
What is a list?
A list is a dynamic data structure in which data is accessed sequentially. It normally has two special named elements - the head and the tail, representing the first and last element of the list respectively.
By dynamic, we mean that the list does not have a fixed size like arrays.
Data is stored sequentially, making lists linear. They can also store any type of data, making them also homogeneous.
Lists are often the basis for the implementation of other sequential data structures, such as queues and stacks.
What is an array?
An array is a fixed size data structure in which data is accessed directly using a memory offset.
For example, if array[0] points to 0x1, then array[10] will point to 0x11.
An array stores data in a linear fashion, and are therefore linear.
What advantages do lists have over arrays?
A list accesses elements sequentially, meaning that it will take longer to find elements than in a directly-accessed array.
However, it is much easier to insert and delete nodes, as we do not have to shuffle the list backwards upon deletion like we have to do with arrays.
e.g. [0,1,2,3,4] = [0,1, , 3, 4] = [0, 1, 3, 4]
(3 and 4 had to recursively be shuffled back by 1 space. Lists do not encounter this issue)
What is a linked list?
A linked list consists of a collection of records called nodes, each containing at least one member that gives the location of the next node.
In the simplest case - a singly linked list - it consists of a data member representing the value, and a link member representing the memory location of the successor of the node.
Because we have the link member, we can store nodes ANYWHERE IN MEMORY and not necessarily contiguously.
What advantages and disadvantages do linked lists suffer from?
Linked lists provide a fair use of memory that is not only dynamic but efficient. Common operations, such as deletion and insertion, are incredibly cheap, as we simply need to modify link nodes.
However, they are extremely difficult to set up and traverse. For example, there is no way to speed up the process of searching, and will always, in worst case, traverse in O(n), regardless of algorithm.
What is a circular linked list?
A circular linked list is a form of a singly linked list where the tail of the list is linked back to the head.
It can be useful for something like an enum that needs to cycle, or an implementation of the Josephus election.
What is the difference between a singly linked list and a doubly linked list?
A singly linked list has one link, that points to the position in front of it.
A doubly linked list, on the other hand, has two links - both a “next” and a “previous” link.
This means that we can traverse the list both ways, instead of needing to go through the whole list every time we need a single element.
What is a stack?
A stack is a restricted form of a list, ordered sequentially but with some set rules.
A stack implements a LIFO structure - Last In, First Out. This means that the last element to be put into the stack will be the first to be taken from it.
This way, one can refer only to the top of the stack, and elements further down in the stack can only be reached by removing elements from it until it is, in worst case, empty.
Using a stack has some qualities though - for example, storing traversed nodes in search problems, or reversing linear orders.
Stacks are also used in runtime memory management as a way of storing the function we’re currently processing.