Data Structures Flashcards
What does the acronym LIFO mean?
What methods are available on a Stack data structure?
push(value), pop(), peek(), and more
What must you do to access the value at an arbitrary point in a stack (not just the “top”)?
pop until you get there, then push everything back if you dont want to mutate the stack
What does the acronym FIFO mean?
What methods are available on a Queue data structure?
enqueue(value), dequeue(), peek()
What must you do to access the value at an arbitrary point in a queue (not just the “front”)?
dequeue() until you get there
How are linked lists different from an array?
Linked lists are sequential access (like a queue), not random access (like an array). That means that, in order to go to a specific place in the list, you have to start at the beginning, then jump from node to node until you get there. However, unlike a queue, a linked list doesn’t need to be mutated to scan its contents.
How would you access an arbitrary node in a linked list (not just the “head”)?
What are unit tests?
Why is it important to write unit tests?
What code should be tested with a unit test? What code is not well suited for unit tests?
What is Jest? What are some other popular JavaScript unit testing frameworks?